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There is less and less space available on the power grid to place and connect large-scale solar installations. At the same time, electric trucks demand high capacities from the power grid and an explosive increase in electric transport in the logistics sector is expected. The power grid can be used much more efficiently and effectively with smart system solutions.

Flexibility from charging infrastructure, among other things

Flexibility is one such system solution and means deploying processes and systems that balance the demand or supply of electricity. On industrial sites, existing or new processes and systems are often relatively easy to link together. Where an increase in electric trucks will also see the deployment of charging infrastructure become an increasingly important source of flexibility.

The project therefore focuses on the development of Charging Energy Hubs: decentralized (local) energy systems that form the connecting factor between electricity consumers and suppliers. In it, optimization strategies are developed for large-scale solar installations, energy storage systems, charging stations for E-trucks and consumers of renewable energy, among others. For example, electricity produced from solar installations on industrial rooftops can be stored in an energy storage system and used in the event of an electricity shortage. Connecting the processes and systems at industrial sites creates local flexibility that can be deployed when the electricity grid can no longer handle power demand (congestion management). Smartly linking these locally to energy markets can also accelerate a positive business case for investment E-trucks and charging infrastructure.

The technological innovations are brought together at three (public-private) use-case locations, which serve as pilot and validation environments for an (inter)national rollout and scale-up. The collaboration across the value chain and both the energy and Automotive sectors has not been demonstrated before at this scale and complexity.

"The Netherlands is a major international player in the logistics and eMobility sector. Cooperation between all relevant players in the value chain is crucial, and as Heliox we are happy to take the lead in this pioneering project."

Michael Colijn, CEO Heliox

"We are proud that together with our partner RAI Automotive Industry NL we have been able to bring together the right players in the value chain in this project. Through Charging Energy Hubs, we are rapidly building knowledge and practical experience and working together to steadily accelerate the energy transition."

Anna Paar, Project Manager Brainport Development

Participants Charging Energy Hubs

The 27 organizations participating in this project are: AME, DAF, DAMEN, DC Systems, DENS, Dynniq, FIER, Fontys, HAN, Heliox, Fluidwell, KEMA, Maxem, NKL, Recoy, Renewable Energy Factory (REF), Rocsys, Scholt Energy, Shell, Stichting ElaadNL, Sycada, TNO, TSN Groen, Technical University Eindhoven, Van Berkel Logistics, Van Kessel, Zero Emissions Services (ZES). Project coordination is supported by Brainport Development and RAI Automotive Industry NL.

News & results

Overview Program Office Green & Smart Mobility.

Programme Office for Green & Smart Mobility

To the Program Office

Green Transport Delta - Hydrogen

To the project

Digital Infrastructure for Future-Proof Mobility

To the project

Green Transport Delta - Elektrification

To the project

Battery Competence Center

To the project

Brainport Bereikbaar

To the programme