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Together we sing '7 dagen werken, vechten, vieren!'

The Brainport region is growing fast. More and more people from all corners of the world are living and working alongside each other here. This creates enormous diversity and life together does not always come naturally. The partnership Brainport Eindhoven & PSV is launching a new campaign to connect the people of the region more with each other. Because celebrating successes together brings us closer together. And we should do that a lot more often!

The best example of celebrating together is PSV's recent championship where everyone came together and celebrated the success together. With our campaign we draw attention to the subject and give tips and suggestions on how to connect with each other more. Because no matter who you are and where you come from, the feeling of celebrating together creates strong connections and solidarity.

'7 dagen lang'

50 years ago, the Eindhoven band BOTS released the song '7 dagen lang'. The lyrics of the song are about the mindset of the people here and are part of the identity of this region. For Jeroen Dijsselbloem, Mayor of Eindhoven and chairman of the Brainport Foundation, this was the reason to perform the famous song at last January's New Year's reception.

Brainport Eindhoven & PSV have now officially re-released the song in collaboration with La Fuente and Eindhoven's Finest. Listen to the song '7 dagen lang' right now on Spotify.

Collaboration with La Fuente

Like no other, DJ La Fuente knows how to connect people from different generations and backgrounds with music. The song will also be included as a bonus track on the album Eindhoven's Finest for the benefit of PSV's championship.

Partnership Brainport Eindhoven & PSV

Initiatives to connect more with one another

Bringing more residents from the region closer together is not the only thing the Brainport Eindhoven &PSV partnership hopes to achieve. Numerous initiatives from the region are bundled below, supporting, helping or connecting residents. In this way, the words from the song "working together, fighting together, celebrating together" gain real meaning.

Do you find value in contributing to a social environment? Maybe becoming a volunteer is something for you.

Become a volunteer for someone else. Arrow icon


Would you also enjoy getting to know other people? Here we provide some tips that will get you started in connecting with people you might not normally connect with.

  1. Small gestures can have a big impact: Have a spontaneous cupcake snack with your neighbor or invite your non-native sports buddy for a walk in the park.
  2. Look around to see if there is something organized in your own neighborhood or at your own (sports) club that you can contribute to.
  3. Be open to new experiences.
  4. Ask people you know what they do or organize. Their experiences can give you inspiration.
  5. Do it together: Doing or organizing something for someone else is often more fun than doing it alone, so drum up your girlfriends, brothers or sisters to do something together too!
  6. Be proud of what you do! Celebrate your own successes, no matter how small they may seem. 
  7. Did you know that you can also do something for someone else outside of work and during work hours? Go to and check with your employer.


Nothing brings people together like sports and music. Fortunately, you can find that everywhere throughout the region. But there is much more to choose from! These are some events where you can meet other people.

This campaign is an initiative of the Partnership Brainport Eindhoven & PSV.

More about partnership PSV