
About Brainport voor Elkaar

Brainport voor Elkaar is an association of employers from industry, the social field, education and government. They work together to find solutions to social issues in the Brainport region. Based on a sense of responsibility, equality and curiosity about the other. And about how things can be more social. Because we can only remain economically successful if we are also socially strong.

Together we achieve more

Together, the members of Brainport voor Elkaar act as a booster or auxiliary motor for what does not happen automatically, helping to scale up succesful social projects, providing social innovation and connecting bubbles. By working together in an association, we increase our realisation power and every smal effort makes a big difference. Brainport voor Elkaar forms one desk through which we reach 400,000 employees. And behind it students, pupils, tenants, help seekers and residents. This is how we make a difference for everyone in the Brainport region. 

Our Vision 

Our vision is to make Brainport a socially strong region. We want a region wher technological progress goes hand in hand with social innovation. In our ideal future, everyone contributes to and benefits form the prosperity of the Brainport region, regardless of their talent, background or social status. In this way, we will build together a region where everyone has oppurtunities and can live, work and learn comfortably. 

Our Mission

As an association, our mission is to strengthen the cooperation between segments and parties and to use this cooperation to tackle social challenges together. Challenges we cannot and will not solve alone. In doing so, we have a direct reach to the many thousands of workers and their families in the region, to pupils and students at educational institutions, to civil society organisations and the people they support. Thus, together we develop solutions that apply to all residents and make a positive impact on the entire region. 

Our ambitions

Everyone can participate. This is what Brainport voor Elkaar stands for. The members of Brainport voor Elkaar take joint responsibility for contributing to a future-proof, inclusive Brainport region. A region where as many people as possible have suitable jobs, are debt-free, vital, socially engaged and have sufficient language and digital skills. 

Social innovation

We work together on social innnovation. This is at the heart of how we work. Together, we drive innovations that we can deploy sustainably. The parties within Brainport voor Elkaar each have their own expertise. We exploit this expertise and the innovative power of the region by setting up new collaborations between social partners an social initiatives, municipalities and semi-public organisations, companies, including the many SMEs in our region, and ecucational and knowledgde institutions for pre-school to research institutites. In this way, we arrive at effective solutions to social issues in the region and strengthen civil society organisations an social initiatives. These solutions have a wider reach than if each party works on social issues alone. 

Social employment: spotting early and creating opportunities

Social employment is becoming the standard for this region, form SMEs to the largest educational institution, local welfare organisation or regional municipality. A good employer is a social, socially engaged employer. We therefore encourage our members tot actively contribute to the well-being of employees, their families and to a liveable environment. Employers can identify problems early, make them discussable and tackle them in a targeted way. They are and important link in the chain our programmes. Employers also have a crucial rol in providing livelihood security and offering opportunities and future prospects to people who are not yet working. Moreover, they can volunteer their employees with knowledge and talent to charities and social organisations in the region. 

Our organization

Brainport voor Elkaar is an association, with a general board and a daily board.Our board is multi-helix in structure. This means that companies, civil society organisations, educational institutions and governments are represented.

Executive board

Our executive board consists of:

Marc Cootjans, director Rabobank Region Eindhoven

Marc is intended chairman and takes a seat on the board on behalf of the business community. Indeed, Marc believes that being a social employer is more important than ever.

Read more here

Ingeborg Janssen Reinen, chairman of the Executive Board Ter AA

As MBO director from Helmond & de Peel, she is happy to put knowledge about her region and education to use for the Social Brainport agenda.

Read more here

Janneke van Kessel, city envoy Municipality of Eindhoven

Janneke is administratively responsible for the creation of Brainport for Each Other and realisation of the Social Brainport agenda. Her ambition is to join forces of all municipalities to make even more impact.

Read more here


General administration

Our general board consists of the following people:

Chairman Jeroen Dijsselbloem, Municipality of Eindhoven


Civil society organisations

Marc Cootjans, Rabobank

Marion van Limpt, Senzer

Jennifer van der Leegte, VDL

Jolanda Teeuwen, LEV-group

Jeroen Driessen, Driessen group

Marinus Biemans, woCom

Educational institutions


Ingeborg Janssen Reinen, Ter AA

Janneke van Kessel, Municipality of Eindhoven

Joep Houterman, Fontys

Bram Bots, Municipality of Valkenswaard

Hilbert de Vries, SSOE

Thomas Tuerlings, Municipality of Helmond

'Then we will work for each other'

Listen to our club song!

50 years ago, Eindhovense band BOTS released the song '7 days long. The lyrics of the song are about the mentality of the people here and are part of the identity of this region. For Jeroen Dijsselbloem, Mayor of Eindhoven and chairman of the general board of Brainport voor Elkaar, the occasion to perform the famous song at the New Year reception last January.
'Then we will work, for each other'.

Listen to our club song!