Grants through Brainport for SMEs

As an entrepreneur, you can claim various grants, for example, in the fields of digitalisation, cybersecurity, sustainability, and network congestion. Subsidies help you make your company future-proof. However, it is important that you know your way around. Because what are you entitled to when?


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Grants are perhaps not something you think of first as an entrepreneur. Yet subsidies can help you take the next step. Where possible, Brainport for SMEs' advisers will help you with opportunities, inputs and sometimes even vouchers for local or provincial schemes.

SME financing guide

In the SME financing guide, you will find a comprehensive overview of all subsidies, tax schemes and possible financiers. A few short questions will give you an insight into which subsidies apply to your business. Of course, it is advisable to consult with an adviser to find the most suitable solution.

Launch the SME financing guide