
Programme Agency Brainport voor Elkaar

Working together on equity and social innovation

The programme agency is the working organisation of Brainport voor Elkaar and responsible for the implementation of the Brainport Social Agenda. We connect, stimulate and support initiatives that contribute to equity and broad prosperity in the region. 

Our role

As and independent party, we work with businesses, educational institutions, civil society organisations and municipalities to achieve shared goals. We are:

  • Linker - We bring organisations and initiatives together.
  • Booster - We stimulate and accelerate social innovation.
  • Auxiliary engine - We offer support and practical tools to make impact.


How do we work?

Identify challenges - We listen to members and partners to identify social issues in the region.

Analyse solutions - We explore how to scale up existing initiatives or develop new solutions.

Collaborate and develop - We collaborate with members and experts to realise concrete tools and programmes.

Test and evaluate - We measure and evaluate results together with stakeholders to ensure lasting impact. 


What do we offer?

To support social initiatives and organisations, we develop:

  • E-learning methods and digital tools
  • Methodologies and toolboxes
  • Awareness campaigns
  • Partnerships


The role of our members

Our members are the driving force behind the scene of Brainport voor Elkaar. Without their active contribution, we cannot achieve our goals. We ask them not only to contribute financially, but also to invest time and knowledge in developing and implementing pilots and solutions. Members thus contribute in three ways besides financially:

  • First, by actively dedicating themselves to the well-being of their employees, students, pupils, residents and their families. Brainport voor Elkaar members stand for social employership and do so partly by participating in Brainport voor Elkaar programmes. 
  • Secondly, by giving their employees time to participate in social initiatives and programmes.
  • Finally, by sharing technological and social expertise with other members.


Join in!

In Brainport, we have already proven that working together makes for economic succes. By joining forces in an association of social employers, we will achieve more. Together, we will make this region a place were there is attention for everyone. 

Will you join too?

Read more about membership