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Learn & Work

Whether you are learning, studying or working, Brainport Eindhoven offers limitless opportunities for growth. Your success depends on the way you overcome your challenges. Please contact Brainport if you need any support. We will help you gain more knowledge and new perspectives or we will just answer your questions.

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In Brainport, technology and society go hand in hand. Thanks to the rich tech ecosystem and the close collaboration between regional industry, governments, and knowledge and educational institutions, Brainport has a strong global position in key technologies and sectors. This has made Brainport a great place where many people want to live, work and study. Companies here are not only employers but also take joint responsibility for their people and environment. Based on a joint agenda, we continue to work on the region's further development with an eye for people and society.

Sustainable scale leap

Due to Brainport's success and the region's importance for the Netherlands and Europe, we expect an increase in jobs and inhabitants in the coming years. This will also require more housing, infrastructure, and facilities.

The central government, the province, the region, and the business community are working together on better infrastructure, affordable housing, training more (technical) talent, a balanced labour market, social facilities in the region, social cohesion, and equal opportunities. Maintaining a good balance between prosperity and well-being is paramount in the region's further development.

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Brainport for Each Other

The Brainport for Each Other association works to ensure that all Brainport residents share in the region's success. The association connects companies, social organisations, municipalities, and education. The participating organisations join forces and work together on social issues in the region. This is done on the basis of the Social Brainport Agenda, which is set by the members of Brainport for Each Other. 

Does your organisation also want to contribute to an inclusive region where we look after each other? Join us and register now.

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Brainport Eindhoven Region Deal 

With the Brainport Eindhoven Regio Deal (2018- 2025), the central government and the region jointly invested 370 million euros in 26 ambitious projects. This gives a huge boost to the regional level of facilities, the development, attraction, and retention of talent (at all education levels), and the development of innovations with social impact that are significant for the region and far beyond.

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