Help with financing

Intake interview for financing for SMEs
During an intake interview, we engage in an open discussion. Where does the need lie? What have you already done yourself? What could you use help with?
Make an appointment immediately by calling Brainport for SMEs at 06 89 80 50 30 or send an e-mail to

SME financing guide
There is a lot of money available in the capital market right now. That money comes in different forms. From financing to loans and from grants to equity. In the SME financing guide, we list the financing opportunities for SMEs in the Brainport region. Using a questionnaire, you will get an overview of the financing options available to you.
Start the SME financing guide
Brainport financing table
Ten times a year, Brainport for SMEs organises the Brainport Financing Table. During these meetings, financing professionals help you further sharpen your proposition. They also give useful tips and tricks. Brainport for SMEs actively works together with parties such as ABN Amro, Rabobank, ING, De Lage Landen, Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland (RVO) and the Brabantse Ontwikkelings Maatschappij (BOM).
Interested? Then contact one of the Brainport for SMEs specialists.
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Brainport equity table
SME entrepreneurs from the Brainport region planning to raise investments can join the Brainport Equity table. The meeting takes place four times a year. Brainport for SMEs cooperates with its partners Lumo Labs, Ramphastos Investments, Eindhoven Corporate Finance Group (ECFG), Brabantse Ontwikkelings Maatschappij (BOM), Borski Fund, Newion, Sioux, Innovation Industries, Invest-NL, and DeepTech XL for this purpose.
Care to join us? Then contact one of the Brainport for SMEs specialists.