What we do: our Social Brainport Agenda
The Social Brainport Agenda is aimed at increasing opportunity equality for all. It contains the priorities and tasks we have widely collected over the past two years. We organised many sessions with civil society organisations and social initiatives, educational institutions, companies and municipalities in the region. We also collected ideas during our network meetings, drew on results of studies on social inequality, equity and broad prosperity in Brainport and talked to experts by experience.
We investigated which knobs we need to turn to break down social inequality for residents who currently cannot participate: livelihood security (socio-economic position, disposable income, help with money, work and institutions), social and business network (social support network, professional network, informal help, lifestyle), basic skills (educational attainment, basic digital skills and command of language) and positive health (phyisical and mental capital, aesthetic capital and BMI).

We cannot be active on all themes and therefore have to make choices. We examined and discussed on which factors and white spots we can collectively exert the most influence. And where exactly we can make more impact through innovation and cooperation between sectors, in the chain and region-wide. And this gave rise to Social Brainport Agenda: for equal opportunities.
Our four programme lines
Works: Everyone cooperates
Everyone should have the chance to build a secure livelihood. We see that there are still people who could use help finding a suitable apprenticeship or workplace.
Read more about our programmesFit: Anyone can join
To participate in society, it is important to have the basics in order. Such as being financially sound, able to read well, do maths, handle digital applications and speak the language.
Read more about our programmesConnects: Everyone looks out for each other
Economic growth in Brainport is changing demographics in the region. This affects social cohesion. Brainport voor Elkaar is committed to bringing different groups and organizations together.
Read more about our programmesInnovates: social innovation for all
Companies and organizations collaborate and share their knowledge to develop social innovations.
Read more about our programmes