Brainport voor Elkaar Fit
Together we work for a fit and resilient region
Everyone should have the opportunity to build a secure livelihood. Access to employment and education and prevention of financial worries are an important basis for this. Despite economic progress in our region, the number of people with financial problems is growing, and many residents lack basic skills such as reading, writing, arithmetic and digital skills. Brainport voor Elkaar is therefore committed to strengthening the region's fitness - both in terms of language and digital skills and financial self-sufficiency.

Everyone Financially Fit
Did you know that 62 per cent of employers employ employees in debt? And that one in five households in the Netherlands faces payment arrears? One of the reasons why that percentage is so high is because many people with financial stress feel ashamed. Some 80 per cent to be precise. In many cases, the problem is not addressed until it is simply too late. That is, when one is already deep in debt. This is why we developed the 'Financieel Fit' programme. To help people in the Brainport region, via their employer, earlier (and thus preventively). After all, prevention is better than cure.
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Improve basic skills with DigiTaalfit
Do you struggle with language, maths or lack digital skills? If so, this can make your life quite difficult. On top of that, many people find it difficult to ask for help. So their environment and the company where they work often do not realise what is going on. With the DigiTaalfit programme, we create awareness among employers and provide tools for their employees to work on their basic skills.

Language buddies at work
Being a language buddy helps your non-native colleague with language skills: that is the idea of 'Language Buddies at Work. And that is about more than language alone. Because why do we always complain about the weather at the coffee machine? And what exactly is this lice-picking? With the 'Language Buddies at Work' programme, colleagues learn together more about the Dutch language and customs. This helps newcomers integrate faster. And we ensure a connection between colleagues and more job satisfaction.

Employer approach: Dutch for international employees
More and more international talents are coming to live and work in the Brainport region, a huge asset for our region's businesses and economy. But we also see that they often lack a social network. Language plays an important role in this. To ensure that internationals and their families integrate better in terms of language, the Municipality of Eindhoven, in collaboration with Holland Expat Center South and Brainport voor Elkaar, has launched the 'Employers' approach: Dutch for international employees'. A special programme for employers in (labour market region) Southeast Brabant who want to contribute to this joing task and are keen to support their international employees.
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