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Whether you are learning, studying or working, Brainport Eindhoven offers limitless opportunities for growth. Your success depends on the way you overcome your challenges. Please contact Brainport if you need any support. We will help you gain more knowledge and new perspectives or we will just answer your questions.

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Equal opportunities for all. That is the goal of Brainport for Each Other. Our association of social employers connects companies, social organisations, municipalities and education. We join forces and work together on social issues in the region. Because together we achieve more.

"I know of no other region in our country where the business community is so willing to co-invest. Our business community is ready to make the most of the opportunities that lie in our region. Whether it concerns accessibility and mobility, accelerating housing construction or making better use of all the talents and talent we so desperately need."

Jeroen Dijsselbloem, chairman Brainport Foundation

"We want to make sure that everyone in the Brainport region really feels like they are doing something."

Edzo Doeve, CEO of Coƶperatie Dela & chairman of Impact040

The initiators of Brainport for each other are Partnerfonds Brainport Eindhoven, Impact040, Brainport Development, Samen voor Eindhoven, Gemeente Helmond and Gemeente Eindhoven. We only use our specialties, our network and our enthusiasm to get things moving. But that is not all we can do. If we want to make the daily life of all people in the Brainport region even better, then we have one thing in common. There are so many different organizations and institutions that need to be addressed every day. But we also see that we can leverage even more resources. Brainport for Elkaar unites the parties to bundle all efforts. If we all want to do the same thing, we can create a Brainport region for everyone.



Equal opportunities for all. That is what we want to ensure. To achieve this, we are engaged in the following themes. Some programs are already running, others are still in development. Below is an overview of what we are currently working on:

Financially Fit in Brainport

The Financially Fit program is for companies and organizations that want to support employees to stay or become financially fit.

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Language fit in Brainport

Do you have employees who want to improve their language, math or digital skills, and could use some help? Language fit helps!

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Meeting each other

Joining forces is only possible if you know each other. Inspiring meetings and the use of corporate volunteers help with this.

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Fund broker

Everywhere in the region you can find great social projects and companies and funds that want to support them financially. Funders bring them together.

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"With regularity I see people, who can't keep up enough and therefore fall outside the boat. Only when all residents experience the benefits and can be proud of their Brainport region, the success is truly complete."

Janneke van Kessel, city envoy Municipality of Eindhoven


In Brainport, we have already proven that working together makes for economic success. But by joining forces, we can also ensure that we achieve more. Let's work together to make this region a place where there is attention for everyone.

Already 55 partner companies, organizations and governments are participating, but we desperately need all the help we can get. Your company, municipality or organization also has the talent to help Brainport for each other and make life in this region even better. Whether it is knowledge, network, technical skill, organizational talent, creativity or simply money. Because without (financial) support we won't get anything off the ground.

And what's more, your employees benefit too. Because our programs really have something to offer your employees. Who wouldn't want to work for a company or organization that invests in the people of this region?

So join us, because together we make a difference!


"My dream is to make Brainport Eindhoven a Social Valley; to become one of the most connected regions. Brainport for each other provides an excellent interpretation of that."

Ronald Slaats, chairman of the board Together for Eindhoven


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