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Veridis aims to revolutionize the recycling industry

One plastic is not the other. To make plastic recycling a real success, separating top-quality plastics from lower-quality plastics is necessary. Startup Veridis’ mission is to provide insight into the quality and composition of plastic materials so that high-quality recycling becomes widely possible and high-quality products can be made. CEO Jeroen Glansdorp explains. 


Written by Innovation Origins

02 August 2024

One plastic is not the other. To make plastic recycling a real success, separating top-quality plastics from lower-quality plastics is necessary. Startup Veridis’ mission is to provide insight into the quality and composition of plastic materials so that high-quality recycling becomes widely possible and high-quality products can be made. CEO Jeroen Glansdorp explains. 


Written by Innovation Origins

02 August 2024

What problem does Veridis solve?

'The idea came from the experience that using recycled plastics in many applications is almost impossible. In our case, it started with 3D printing using recycled plastics. We had constant issues with the quality and consistency of recycled material, which made it almost impossible. We soon discovered that this was a problem that the whole industry faces as soon as it wants to work with recycled plastics. Companies find out about this when they’re in the production process already because of a lack of quality control. It costs money and keeps many companies from trying it at all.'

And how exactly are you going to do that?

'With the MADSCAN®! This device has advanced analysis technology and can accurately distinguish (higher than 99%) between different polymers in large volumes and complex plastic batches. Our focus is initially on mechanical recycling and then on chemical recycling. In these sectors, we can now make the greatest impact on material quality.'

When will your mission be successful?

'When our technology – with the MADSCAN® at the forefront – is the standard worldwide for testing, certifying, and securing materials (with a current focus on plastics) so that the material can be brought back into the chain at a high-quality level time after time.'

What has been your most significant success to date?

'That’s a tough question, but the fact that we are turning over sales with the MADSCAN® technology while still in the lab stage is high on the list. Technology development, market research, sales, and many other business aspects came together. It has prepared us well for conducting pilots in the industrial environment that we plan to launch in the last quarter of this year. In addition, we are very proud to have closed our first real funding round in early 2024.'

How do you see developments in your sector over the next 5 to 10 years?

'Huge growth is predicted for the global recycling industry. Sustainability is increasingly being put on the agenda. National and European politics and legislation reflect this development. As a result, the industry is growing in volume and shifting focus to high quality, which is essential for us. Slightly more specific is the prediction that chemical recycling will take off; we also see this as a great opportunity.'

What does the Brainport ecosystem mean in your development?

'A lot. We went through the HighTechXL program and are working with several startups on the High Tech Campus. We have also built a large network of advisors from all parties and individuals we have come across in the Brainport network. In addition, Veridis works intensively with a high-tech engineering company in Eindhoven. An ecosystem concentrated and focused on deep-tech development is ideal for us. Our entire founding team is from North Holland, but we never had any doubts about where we wanted to locate.'

The Gerard & Anton Awards are supported by EY, Rabobank, V.O. Patents & Trademarks, TWICE, Kadans Science Partner, Braventure, Lumo Labs, Gemeente Eindhoven, High Tech Campus, Philips, Goevaers & Znn. B.V. and DeepTechXL.