‘When the region grows, everyone benefits’

Photography by: Nick Bookelaar
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Written by Brainport Eindhoven
18 December 2024
Brainport PartnerfondsSocietyStrategy & OrganisationEntrepreneurshipDiscover Brainport
Photography by: Nick Bookelaar

As a fast-growing supplier, Bergeijk-based metal company WILVO can move with the dynamic Brainport region. But the company also keeps an eye on the social challenges posed by the growth of Brainport. These challenges require a certain responsibility. That is why joining the Brainport Partnerfonds was nothing more than logical for us,’ says Rob Lemmens (CEO Wilvo).

The Brainport region is characterised by its high percentage of manufacturing companies. This includes many metalworkers. Increasingly, these fall under the WILVO Group. In addition to the original sheet metal working company Wilvo, the cluster consists of quite a few other metal companies from the region. The latest addition to the tribe? Metalnet from Valkenswaard. This brings the group's total number of employees to over 550. 

Complete package

What binds the WILVO Group companies together? Rob Lemmens is clear about it. They are all metalworkers. Together, we offer a complete package of metalworking. From laser cutting and welding to high-precision turning, milling and mechanical assembly.' The type of customers is diverse, as is the number of sectors supplied. 'We mostly supply products used in complex machines. We also ensure that those machines can be transported safely. We have developed special tooling for that.'

At the heart of society

Despite its explosive growth in recent years, WILVO has never lost sight of its commitment to the region. ‘I dare say that we really are at the centre of that society,’ says the CEO. We are there for our employees, of course, but also for the inhabitants of the municipalities where we operate. This manifests itself, for instance, in sponsoring local sports clubs and the local theatre. We also support employees who work for charity.'

Social duty

When asked to be one of the first parties to join the Brainport Partnerfonds, the choice was quickly made. 'We didn't have long discussions about that as management. We see it as a social duty to make the region's growth, which of course goes with fits and starts, run as smoothly as possible. As far as we are concerned, this private fund can certainly help with that. Investing in accessibility, infrastructure and talent. These are things we can only support. In addition, we think it is important that all Brainport residents can benefit from the region's success. With the Brainport Partnerfonds, I think we are taking a step in the right direction.'

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