
Brainport Partnerfonds

With the Brainport Partnerfonds, the business community contributes financially to the future of the region. Together with the national and regional governments, companies are investing in better accessibility, the accelerated construction of affordable housing, the training of extra technical talent, a balanced labour market and equal opportunities and social cohesion. Measures needed to manage the region's accelerated growth. This will keep prosperity and well-being in balance.

Strengthen the region and your business!

Brainport is of national and European strategic importance. It ensures continued economic growth and prosperity for the entire region. This development will accelerate in the coming years. Your company can benefit from this too. However, the foreseen growth is only possible if the region can bear it and the further development is balanced. Because the government recognises the unique importance of Brainport, it is prepared to make a substantial contribution. But on condition that the region itself - including the business community - also contributes. So help us to invest. Your contribution strengthens the region as a whole and thus your company's ability to succeed in the future.

Find out more and get involved! 

Read the prospectus below or download a copy. Interested in participating? If so, please contact Piet van der Wielen.


Participants in the Brainport Partnerfonds

Participants have their say

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