03 October 2024
Managing Traffic Flows via a 'Digital City Gate'
- Mobility
As an entrepreneur you can greatly contribute to intermediate vocational education. For example, you can give guest lectures, teach as a hybrid teacher, offer traineeships, enter into project collaborations or share facilities. By cooperating with others, you will also motivate your current employees to keep their knowledge up to date and to gain new ideas and new perspectives. Please contact the relevant school in your area for more information (ROC ter Aa, SintLucas, Helicon, or Summa College) or contact Brainport Industries College; a cooperation between SME manufacturing companies, ROC ter AA and Summa College.
You can contact the SiNTLUCASNXT employment agency, if you are looking for creative SintLucas students to help you with an assignment or if you have paid jobs available, which they can do next to their study. In addition, you can work with students from U.NXT, a new training center founded by SintLucas and the University of Northhampton, which has a unique way of combining creativity with technology, data analysis and business skills. By cooperating with U.NXT, you can help teach new tech talent and contribute to the quality of education.
There are various ways for an entrepreneur to be involved in the study programs of Fontys University of Applied Sciences. Fontys is a knowledge partner for the region and is, together with regional companies and organizations, conducting applied scientific research in the area of HTSM, Health, Smart Society, Learning Society and Creative Economy. You have the opportunity to let students conduct a research assignment at the Center of Expertise High Tech Systems & Materials (HTSM) or offer them a traineeship or graduation project within your company. In addition, you can also become a Partner of Innovation and join the Fontys ICT program.
Furthermore, Fontys doesn’t only educate students, but also offers education for professionals, allowing them to continue their personal development throughout their professional careers. The professionalization programs include lectures, courses and complete master studies in technology, ICT, Engineering Management and marketing.
The TU Eindhoven has many different ways to cooperate with companies in the region, both in respect of research and innovation. The TU/e Innovation Lab for example, supports SMEs in respect of technological innovations. Furthermore, challenge-based research is conducted in the Eindhoven Engine, where educational institutes, government and companies are sharing their knowledge. The TU/e InnovationSpace is used for scientific cooperation. Here, students work together with companies on so-called challenge-based learning projects based on practical cases. You can also submit your own business case. Of course, you can also offer a traineeship or graduation project. There are numerous opportunities to cooperate with schools of all levels.