Energy efficiency at Jeurgens Family Bakeries B.V.: using common sense to get the most out of the current energy connection

In the world of energy management, everything revolves around the smart use of available resources. This is exactly what Jeurgens Family Bakeries, a family business from the Brainport region, has done. Frank Jeurgens, third-generation owner of the company, explains how they have kept their energy consumption steady through process optimisation, smart technology and a good dose of common sense, while the company's turnover is growing.


Traditional family business, innovative approach

Jeurgens has been active since 1921 and has positioned itself over the years as a specialist in biscuit and chocolate products. The company supplies a wide range of products, including biscuits, meringues, trifle sponges and other seasonal products. There is a good chance that the sponge fingers you buy at your supermarket are made by Jeurgens. They are one of the few producers that make these biscuits.

However, it is not always easy for a company of this size to continue to combine energy demand with growth. ‘The company is in transition, and we are reaching the limits of our electricity contract,’ says Frank Jeurgens. With the power contract for two-thirds of their volume, they regularly received calls from the grid operator to warn them when they exceeded the contract.

Process optimisation and smart design

Jeurgens uses advanced techniques to optimise processes. The new factory hall has been built higher on purpose to allow cool air to be buffered in the building at night. Silos have been installed for the most commonly used ingredients to save packaging waste and reduce the number of logistical movements.

One of the most recent investments is the installation of a tank for liquid chocolate. Chocolate is produced in liquid form and often returned to a solid state for transport to consumers. Keeping the chocolate liquid saves energy twice. Once at the supplier, the liquid chocolate does not need to be cooled to make blocks. And once at the user, the blocks do not need to be melted. It is precisely these phase transitions from liquid to solid and vice versa that cost a lot of energy.

In addition, Jeurgens tries to extract as much energy as possible from the process. The hall has been lengthened to accommodate long ovens, which has lowered baking temperatures. By redesigning the process, the energy consumption of both gas and electricity has been effectively reduced by more than 20%.

The compressed air used by the machines went from 9.5 to 8.5 bar. The use of motors instead of compressed air and the use of single-acting instead of double-acting cylinders results in considerable savings. ‘Every bar less saves about €25,000 per year,’ Jeurgens explains.

These kinds of process optimisations can only be implemented if you have detailed data, and the use of this data was therefore a crucial factor in their success. ‘We didn't even have to purchase the expensive sensors that the BREAAM certificate requires. With a good energy management system, smart meters and data from Enexis, you can create this insight.’

Adapting the old and new to the present

Jeurgens is in the process of transitioning from an old to a new production location and with it, modern production lines. For example, the old location still has production lines from 1979 with brick ovens. These ovens are extremely energy-intensive because they have to run day and night to maintain their temperature. Optimising these systems is therefore an important focus. ‘These days you really don't install a brick oven anymore,’ says Jeurgens. ‘We have switched to stainless steel ovens. They don't have to run constantly. Theoretically, they can also be heated with hydrogen or electricity.’

In 2024, after consultation with, among others, Enexis, a battery for energy storage was introduced, enabling the company to have sufficient power throughout the year, also thanks to the many solar panels on the roof. This contributes to the flexibility of their energy consumption. Due to the 24-hour production, the battery is used purely for the company's own use. Trading on the energy market is not important.

A future full of energy

The future of Jeurgens Family Bakeries is characterised by growing demand for production and an increasing focus on energy efficiency. The company has influence over its scope 1 emissions, or the direct emissions of greenhouse gases, and is actively working on becoming more sustainable. This includes searching for new possibilities for energy storage. Jeurgens is considering using a heat battery and further expanding their solar energy capacity.

Although the company is not yet working with neighbours or other companies to conclude a group tax assessment, Jeurgens sees this as a possibility for the future. Their factory runs 24 hours a day. By sharing energy with neighbours who do not need any at night, companies can jointly consume more energy. Thanks to the good support of the municipality of Laarbeek, companies can grow here.

‘If you use common sense and the right data, you can get the most out of the existing infrastructure and grow at the same time. Good coordination with various parties, such as Enexis, is also essential,’ says Jeurgens. Thanks to its innovative approach to energy management, the company can continue to grow without increased energy consumption, and at the same time set an example for other companies in the Brainport region. By continuously searching for new ways to optimise processes and collaborate with other companies, Jeurgens Banket not only continues to compete in the market, but also contributes to the broader sustainable energy transition in the region.

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