

Sleep is an essential part of a healthy age and therefore of our vitality model. We sleep about a third of our lives. A good night's sleep can bring you a lot.

During the night your body will be able to recover. All the impressions of the day are processed and stored, your hormones are brought into balance, your body temperature and heart rate drop and we pay attention to cellular recovery.

While you sleep, other processes are (more) active than during the day, such as the immune system. A lack of sleep can have far-reaching consequences for your health and weight. The recommended sleep duration for adults is 7 to 9 hours, but some people have different needs (they require more or less sleep).

Five-star night's sleep

Everyone wants to wake up fresh and rested. In order to be able to sleep well, there are a number of conditions that increase sleep. If you follow the five tips, you will get a five-star night's sleep.

Do you also enjoy a five-star night's sleep?

Check it out

Catch as much daylight as possible during the day and avoid bright and/or blue light at night such as TV, tablet or telephone. Make sure that you catch as much daylight as possible during the day, this is especially important for your eyes.

Els Møst, Research scientist at Philips


Have you become motivated and would you like to know more? Then click on one of these in-depth articles!


Tips for sleeping problems

There is also an approach to your sleeping problem, even if you are not within the averages or even if you have already done and tried everything.

Sleep advice from Center for Sleep Kempenhaeghe

So-called "sleep hygiene advice" is useful for everyone and can be a first step toward better sleep in cases of insomnia.

Webinar: sleep well and wake up rested

Do you find it difficult to get out of bed in the morning, are you often tired during the day, can't wait until it's bedtime again, or do you just fall asleep badly? This is annoying, but fortunately there are a number of handy tips and tricks that will help you solve your sleep problems.

Five-star sleep

Read here some insightful tips so you can get a five-star sleep.

Sleep-wake diary

What is a sleep-wake diary? Keeping a sleep-wake diary helps you gain insight into your sleep problems. You write down seven days in a row when and how long you slept.

New week, new challenge: sleep

Working on a healthier version of you. That is the goal of this platform. To help you to get started, we will challenge you for a period of 7 weeks with different assignments.


Catch as much daylight as possible during the day and avoid bright and/or blue light at night such as TV, tablet or telephone. Make sure that you catch as much daylight as possible during the day, this is especially important for your eyes.

The importance of sleeping well

Did you sleep well last week? Do you remember when was the last time you woke up fresh and refreshed, without an alarm clock or without wanting to go straight to coffee? If the answer to any of these questions is "no," you're not the only one.

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