60% of the inhabitants of the Netherlands occasionally worry about money. About the energy bill, for example, or about children's study costs. Does this sound familiar to you? Then it is important to know that you are not the only one. On this page you find a lot of information to prevent you from getting into real trouble. Visit one of the locations near your home. We will be happy to receive and help you there. In Brainport, we help each other.
Get control over your money with Geldfit!Campaign video
12 practical tips that offer support in case of money concerns
Got a question or can't figure it out?
Do you have questions about money or have trouble maing ends meet? Brainport for each other together with Geldfit helps you get your financial matters in order and helps you with money concerns
Visit Geldfit.nlWalk-in consultation in the region
In the next period, you can visit several places in the region for help.
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You are not the only one
"My employer arranged for me to go to the food bank."
The impact of money worries can be considerable, both in your private life as at work. Employee Rob Faber (61) asked for the help of his employer Ergon when he was no longer able to handle and oversee his debts. In this article he tells us more about the support he received.
Read Robs story