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Passion and purpose

The foundation of your life and also this vitality model starts with your passion and motives. What are your motives? Why do you do the things you do? And what thoughts are hidden behind your actions? Often these thoughts have to do with your motives.

On this page you can find out for yourself about your passion and motives in fun ways.


Motives describe the things you value and that motivate you to do or not to do something. If you want to change something, you have to take action and be really motivated to do so. That determines whether you feel like it or are opposed to it. All this doesn't sound terribly difficult, but in practice it is more difficult than you think.

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By answering the questions below, you can set goals for your work, family, nutrition, exercise, energy management etc.

  • What do I want to achieve?
  • Who do I want to involve?
  • Where am I going to do it?
  • When do I start?
  • Which parts of the goals are important to me?
  • Why do I want to achieve this goal?

Decide for yourself where you want to put it. The things you want to change and the goal becomes a lot more concrete this way. The more concrete the goal, the easier and clearer it becomes to carry out the assignment.

Nina de Rooij, managing lifestyle projects and lifestyle consultant


Have you become motivated and would you like to know more? Then click on one of these in-depth articles!


What motivates you to make the most of your life?

What do you do when life takes a different direction than you had planned: do you think in terms of limitations or do you look for opportunities? Paul Ramakers chose the latter approach and is now happier than ever.

Setting goals

You can set different types of targets. For example, goals aimed at the result, such as winning a competition or losing 6 kilos of body weight.

Vitality model explanation

It is crucial to build and maintain your vitality. This is logical, but not always easy. It's a very broad domain, and where do you start? There seem to be a million experts and theories.

The Japanese formula for a meaningful life

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Be aware of your type of motivation

Your alarm clock rings, time to get up and go to work. But do you know why you get up every morning to go to work?

Deal with setbacks, be resilient

Think of a setback as a challenge and a learning moment, try to turn it into something positive. Remember: tomorrow is another day.


When you encounter something you find difficult or annoying, you end up at an intersection: give up or persevere?

Motivation for your job!

Have you ever wondered what your passion is in the field of work? What do you like about your work and what mainly gives you energy?

New week, new challenge: Passion & Purpose

Working on a healthier version of you. That is the goal of this platform. To help you getting started, we will challenge you the upcoming 7 weeks with different assignments.

What motivates you to make the most of your life?

What do you do when life takes a different direction than you had planned: do you think in terms of limitations or do you look for opportunities? Paul Ramakers chose the latter approach and is now happier than ever.

Nice to have good intentions, but how do you keep them up?

We all know them: the good resolutions at the beginning of the new year. But how do you make sure your resolutions become reality?

Personality test

Sometimes it's a good idea to take a seat and take a good look at yourself through a personality test.

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