Organized mind starts with a organized house
Do you ever feel restless or agitated by work-related stress? Rest assured, you are not the only one. Half of the Dutch have to deal with this. Often heard advice to relax is to take a walk, listen to music or exercise. But did you know that a organized house can also provide peace of mind?
Here's the thing: a messy house can lead to stress. Clutter increases the level of cortisol, a stress hormone produced by your body. This stress hormone does not contribute to a calm mind, although that is what you want.
The home should be the perfect place to unwind. The cleaner your home is, the greater that chance will be. Therefore, if you are looking for peace and quiet, start by tidying up your home. Cleaning and tidying have a calming effect anyway. You can see it as a kind of mindfulness.
But how do you make sure that your home is and stays tidy and organized? We give you some handy tips.
- Keep it up: clear the table immediately after eating, don't leave your shoes and bags lying around in the hall and wipe down the sink after cooking. An added benefit: research has shown that people who have a messy kitchen eat more than those who have a tidy kitchen.
- Open your windows occasionally and let fresh air into your home. This reduces the risk of headaches or irritated eyes.
- Throw away what you no longer use. Or give it away, it might make someone happy.
- Make sure your workplace is clean and tidy. Note: this does not mean that your workplace has to be bare and boring. That also reduces concentration and efficiency.
- A clean and fresh bedroom promotes a good night's sleep. Open the window from time to time, open the duvet in the morning, make your bed after airing it and change your bedclothes once a week.
- Make the tidying up manageable and divide it up. Start small with just the closet or the toilet. This way, you clean something every week and avoid having the feeling that you have a very big job ahead of you.
- Are you looking for cheap cleaning products? Choose green soap, cleaning vinegar or soda. An additional advantage: it is also better for the environment.
- Cleaning makes you work hard and burn calories. Cleaning will not only give you a clean house, it will also make you fit.
- Make a party out of cleaning. Put on your favourite music while cleaning or tidying and sing along.
Author: Elke de Jong, Partner manager CSU
Editing: Guus Peters