Are you worried about money or wondering how a change in your life affects your financial health? And are these questions stressing you out?
Then it's time to take action! Money worries can happen to anyone and you are not alone.
What can you do?
It may sound crazy, but the rising prices for groceries and energy are causing more and more people to struggle with health problems. You are probably wondering what the connection is between higher energy bills and your health? The answer is: stress.
Financial stress can lead to all kinds of complaints, both physical and mental. For example, think of insomnia, tiredness, depression, digestive problems and low self-esteem. Of course you don't want that. But how do you solve your financial stress and where do you start?
Tip 1) Provide insight and overview
Get an insight into your finances by keeping track of income and expenses in a notebook. This can be done physically or digitally.
Would you prefer some help with that? Download the free fiKks app for anonymous personal help. fiKks* believes that anyone with money worries can get rid of them.
Tip 2) Get a grip on your money again
Stop worrying and go to Financial Fit in Brainport*, a collaboration of Geldfit and Brainport Eindhoven Partner Foundation. Take the Geldfit test anonymously and find out what you can do within 2 minutes. Rather call than visit a website? Call toll-free 0800-8115 for a personal consultation.
Tip 3) Find out what you are entitled to
Find out whether you are entitled to certain benefits in your municipality or nationally, such as housing benefit, healthcare benefit, energy benefit, participation grants and all kinds of other support measures. In addition, many municipalities have an energy box and other free facilities that every resident can use. Finally, you may also be entitled to waivers, for example of municipal taxes. You can find out about these things via Financially Fit in Brainport* or via your municipality's website!
Tip 4) Discuss your money worries!
You can do this with your manager, but also with family or friends. You can also turn to local organisations. In Eindhoven, for example, you can go to Werkplaats Financiƫn XL* and in most municipalities you can contact neighbourhood teams or social counsellors!
* These websites are in Dutch. An English translation of Financial Fit in Brainport is currently under construction.