Region Deal Brainport Eindhoven

In a world-class, innovative top technology region, the state-of-the art high-tech manufacturing industry is closely linked to design, education and entrepreneurship. Brainport Eindhoven is characterized and strengthened by close cooperation and open innovation. We are developing solutions for the social challenges of tomorrow by responding smartly to worldwide changes and by establishing new partnerships.

Regio Deal

The Regio Deal Brainport Eindhoven serves as a driving force for the Brainport National Agenda for Action by means of a one-off financial boost. The Regio Deal and the region jointly try to enhance broad prosperity - livability, business climate and economic strength.

That is why the Regio Deal is focusing on three pillars: distinctive level of amenities, attraction and retention of talent (at all levels of education) and innovations that have social impact. In four years, the government will invest a total amount of 130 million euros via the Regio Deal. The region itself will invest another 240 million euros. A start has already been made with all 26 projects. With respect to the funding of (sub) projects, decisions are made very carefully based on the independent advice given by the Brainport Foundation.

More information about Governance

Three pillars

From 2018 until 2025, we will invest in museums, cultural institutions, initiatives and events focused on design, sports and many more as part of the pillar ‘distinctive amenities’. To attract businesses, knowledge workers and students, it is essential that we offer distinctive amenities. To contribute to an open and vital community. Sports and cultural activities bring people together, stimulate engagement and make people feel at home.

In addition, we are investing in the second pillar attraction and retention of (international) talent. The Regio Deal Brainport Eindhoven aims at establishing Brainport Eindhoven as a region with international allure. To strengthen the ties between new and existing residents and to create a climate in which both makers and designers can thrive. To allow
them to develop the solutions for tomorrow’s challenges today.

And finally, as part of pillar 3, we are investing in unique key technologies. In innovative solutions that will help solve social challenges in order to futureproof this region.

We are building the region we are envisioning based on the three pillars. A region that is innovative, state-of-the-art, leading and above all, a region you want to be part of.

Projects per pillar

Below a list of projects per pillar. In addition to a description and the amount allocated per project, we will also inform you of the results achieved where possible. Click here for an overview of the projects and the amounts allocated.


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