8x Tips from the RegioRadar in March
This month we share 8 tips from the Regioradar, the platform for the entire Brainport region to be surprised by fun outings and good tips for getting out and about.
For the complete overview, go to: www.regioradareindhoven.nl

Music - 6 March, De Weeffabriek in Geldrop
1. Roots in 't Groen
HT Roberts will let you enjoy acoustic music, rooted in folk and blues from across the water with feet in Flemish clay.

Concert - 8 March, de Kattendans in Bergeijk
2. Esther Apituley
Viola player Esther Apituley plays with pianist Jeroen van Veen en percussionist Tatiana Koleva ‘Philip Glass; Songs & Poems, Tissues & Issues’. A concert that goes beyond music. With Poems by Lieke Marsman and Ellen Deckwitz.

Exposition - 8 March, Evoluon in Eindhoven
3. Friday Next!
Come to the Evoluon Eindhoven in the evening where you'll find a jam-packed futuristic programme; that is e great start to your weekend. Join us at Friday Next! An evening event with a DJ, music, food and drink experience.

Celebration - 9 March, Parkrtheater in Eindhoven
4. International Women's Day
The Latin American CLO celebrates International Women's Day in Eindhoven in 2024 with the theme: Inspire inclusion. Women from different backgrounds will meet this day at the Parktheater Eindhoven. A great opportunity to strengthen each other's network.

Trailrun - 10 March, de Mortelen in Oirschot
5. The Groene Woud Spring Trail
Join Atletiek Oirschot! The Groene Woud Spring Trail walks straight through one of Brabant's most beautiful natural areas: de Mortelen. Three distances, in groups or individual, walking or running!

Cabaret - 16 March, Het Schouw in Lage Mierde
6. "Who’s the man" from Stefan Hendrikx
When shit hits the fan… What can you then? When it really comes to it… What can you do?? A super funny cabaret performance.

Concert- 25 & 27 March, Sint-Petrusbasiliek, Oirschot & Brigidakerk Geldrop
7. Matthäus Passion
A beautiful performance, a moment of reflection. Hundreds of musicians bring will take you on a journey with Matthäus Passion. Performed in the imposing St Peter's Basilica by Kempenkoor. On 25 March, a performance with the highlights from the Passion in the Brigidakerk Geldrop will be organised.

Museum - Daily, in Nuenen
8. Van Gogh Village Museum
Every day At Van Gogh Village Museum in Nuenen, you will hear about Vincent Van Gogh and learn the stories in Nuenen, the place he lived and worked from 1883 to 1885. Hear about who he was, what he did, where he lived and who he hang out with. Check out our educational audio tour, set -up in eight languages.