7x Tips from the RegioRadar in February
This month we share 7 tips from the Regioradar, the platform for the entire Brainport region to be surprised by fun outings and good tips for getting out and about.
For the complete overview, go to: www.regioradareindhoven.nl

Museum - 1 February Exhibition-new collection at Museum De Wieger, DEURNE
1. Museum De Wieger
In the past, Museum De Wieger has been able to add a number of appropriate works to its collection. Like work from Otto van Rees, Piet van Wijngaerdt and Hendrik Wiegersma, among others.
Arts & Crafts- 10 February De Weeffabriek GELDROP
2. Arts & Crafts
Every second Wednesday of the month there is a crafting afternoon at De Weeffabriek. For 3 euros, including unlimited lemonade and all the craft supplies. Register via the website

Music - 3 february, Stephany Struijk - Gemeenschapshuis De Ster - LAGE MIERDE
3. Stephany Struijk
Stephanie Struijk, formerly known as 'Stevie Ann,' shares personal stories in Dutch-language songs. Her recent work explores longing, home and Limburg, with comfort and timeless reflections.
Valentineday - 14 February BRAINPORT REGION
4. Valentines Day
The heart speaks. Whether it spills out full of drama like in a Greek tragedy or love opera, or is engaging like a romantic blockbuster or poetic walking and cycling route. In the Eindhoven region, there is plenty to do around Valentine's Day with passion in abundance. Discover the loving tips for a passionate Valentine's Day here..

Festival - 9 till 13 february BRAINPORT REGION
5. Carnaval
Carnaval in Eindhoven Region. Alaaf! At the Groot Gemert parade, Feestband Stijn Stront and the Denneluchtjes Come-back- Bladel, Feest in Someren-Heide Carnaval xxl ! The kick-off of five days of polonaise in the Elsom, Reusel or Philzuid's carnaval concert in Lampegat Eindhoven.
Music - 23 february Spinvis Kattendans BERGEIJK
6. Spinvis Kattendans
"...And when the night's dew descended upon the lands, mist creatures emerged in the dreams of humans..." Spinvis and Saartje Van Camp bring the mythological Mist Creatures to life in the contemporary world.
Expo - Until 24th of March Resilient Rebels HELMOND
7. Resilient Rebels
This expo demonstrates that resistance takes many forms. From contemplative to activist, and from small and personal to grand and symbolic. Sometimes, these realms intersect, driven by hope.
Reading tips

Work in progress - MedTech
In-depth 7 minutes reading time
Work in progress - Reskilling in Brainport
In-depth 5 minutes reading time
‘By learning together, we can better support multilingual learners’
News 8 minutes reading time