Sustainable Logistics in Europe, Middle East and Africa
Sustainable logistics is becoming increasingly important. Transport and logistics are responsible for a significant share of global CO2 emissions. Sustainable logistics is not only about environmental awareness, but also about redefining efficiency, controlling costs and creating value for customers and stakeholders.

The EMEA region, comprising Europe, the Middle East and Africa, represents a diverse and dynamic mix of markets, cultures and economies. Navigating these areas requires a detailed understanding of both the local nuances and the overarching trends that connect these regions. The opportunities in this region are vast, but to fully exploit them, it is essential to understand how sustainability and logistics converge here.
Would you like to know more about the opportunities in sustainable logistics? Are you active or interested in the EMEA region (Europe, Middle East and Africa)? Then request the E-book now and register for the interactive webinar on 9 November next from 09:30h-11:00h.
Download the Sustainable Logistics in Europe, Middle East and Africa E-Book here.
E-Book: Discover international opportunities in sustainable logistics in EMEA countries
Register here for the interactive webinar on sustainable logistics in EMEA, and engage with NL Businesshubs and logistics professionals on the ground on 9 November.
Sustainable Logistics - Interactive Webinar - EMEA NL Business Hubs