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Kunststoffenbeurs 2023

Future Proof Plastics – Innovative, Sustainable and Smart


This is Kunststoffenbeurs 2023

There are just a few materials that are as light, strong, flexible and colorful as plastic. In fact plastic is a miracle material: it has a long lifespan and ensures that even food has a longer shelf life. It is not without a reason that millions of plastic products roll of the production belts every day thanks to the many possibilities and applications. At the same time, plastic is not always positively in the news. This while the plastics and rubber chain is working hard on making its products more sustainable and on increasing the value for society.

The Kunsstoffenbeurs is the central place where the Benelux plastics and rubber chain shares current knowledge, makes its efforts and innovative strength visible and meets annually. It is also the place where people can work together on the future-proofing of plastic. Towards Future Proof Plastics together. 

Innovative power, sustainability and the smart plastic production of the future

What makes plastic future-proof? The basis is a powerful product design, smart use of raw materials, reshoring, optimized production methods such as injection moulding, extrusion and vacuum forming and the best quality molds and tools. On the way to the future, three more components play an important role. This three components will be in the spotlights during Kunststoffenbeurs 2022:

  • Sustainability & Recycling: discover everything about sustainability, recycling and reducting the CO² footprint at the Rethink Expo and the Rethink pavilion
  • Smart Production & Digitalization: experience smart and innovative solutions for automation, digitization, connectivity, process optimization and software on the exhibition floor, on the Machine Area and in the conference program
  • Innovation & Knowledge: meet knowledge and educational institutions, research projects, start-ups and student teams in the Knowledge and Education Hall

Discover the latest developments and meet the most important players from the plastic and rubber world in a short time, on the exhibition floor, the Machine Area, the various theme squares and in the conference program.

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