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Fontys ICT Graduation Conference 2024

Want to witness the future of innovation and creativity? Then mark the Fontys ICT Graduation Conference in your calendar! Fontys ICT organizes this event from July 1 to July 10, 2024, at our locations in Eindhoven and Tilburg.


Date: Monday July 1 to Wednesday July 10 2024

Location: Fontys ICT Rachelsmolen 1, Building R10 Eindhoven and Stappegoor, Building P8 Tilburg

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During The Fontys ICT Graduation Conference, 4th year students present their graduation projects. They demonstrate innovations, address complex ideas about what IT is, what it does and what it should do. They give the judges and other interested parties a better and deeper understanding of the assignment and the work they have done. It is part of the student's graduation moment. It must be assessed to reach graduation.

The Graduation Conference is both a celebration of the graduates and an opportunity for Fontys ICT and its students to connect with the rest of the world. In which the ICT work field, partners of Fontys ICT, students, teachers and other interested parties are invited to visit and experience the work on display.

An overview of all graduation sessions is visible on the website. Check the website and register now.

Any questions? You can contact Barbara Vannisselroy: | 06-57888770