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EIRES Lunch Lecture

Date: 8th of March 2024
Time: 12.00 - 13.00
Location: MS Teams | Online
Price: Free



Energy Systems Optimization is a tool for finding the optimal configuration for an energy system. This system can be a local energy project, like a hybrid wind, solar and battery project. It can also be a macro energy system, like the European energy system, for which the demand for electricity, gas and heat needs to be met in all regions in all hours of the year, at the lowest cost.
During this lecture, Emiel van Druten will share his experience of applying Energy Systems Optimization as a PhD candidate and as a consultant in the Scenario study nuclear energy for the Dutch government.

About the speaker

Emiel van Druten is a parttime PhD candidate at the Technology, Innovation Society Unit at Eindhoven University of Technology, where he is part of the NEON Research project. His research focuses on Energy System Optimization and trade-offs. Emiel also works parttime at TenneT, the Dutch Transmission System Operator based in Arnhem, within the Energy System Planning department. Until 2023 he worked as an Energy transition consultant at Witteveen+Bos, where explored Energy System Optimization collaboration with MSc students and later applied in projects for policy making. His ambition is to use Energy System Optimization to explore the near-optimal feasibility space for the future energy system, so that together with policy makers and stakeholders the desirable system or scenarios can be selected from this space.

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