Cybersecurity in the Automotive Industry
Date: 23th of May 2024
Location: Automotive Campus 30, Helmond
Costs: Free
Contactperson:Bram Hendrix
Digitalization is everywhere, also in our automotive and mobility world. We use new digital solutions to achieve our societal goals: towards a safer, clean, and affordable mobility system. Disruptive trends such as autonomous cars and software-defined vehicles are driving the development of cybersecurity requirements in the Automotive Industry. During this workshop, different speakers will talk about this important topic and give you new insights. There will be enough time for networking to ensure you can establish relevant contacts.
Moderator: Bram Hendrix, Program Manager Digitalisation, RAI Automotive Industry NL
13.30 Walk-in, coffee
14.00 Welcome and introduction, Bram Hendrix, RAI Automotive Industry NL
14.10 Keynote I, Harold Weffers, TU/Eindhoven
14.30 Keynote II, Patrick Verschure, Epiic
14.50 Q&A
15.00 Coffee-break
15.30 Keynote III, Paul Jansen, Tiobe Software
15.50 Keynote IV, Arthur Revaclier, Secura
16.10 Interactive debate end conclusion
16.30 Networking drinks
17.30 End
Harold Weffers, coordinator of external partnerships, TU/Eindhoven
En route towards inherent safe vehicles from a security perspective
More and more vulnerabilities are being found in ICT software. With the increasing integration of ICT in vehicles, the risk of unauthorized access to ICT in these vehicles is increasing, allowing unauthorized persons to not only access the data in the vehicle but even access the control of the vehicle. This also affects safety, from a safety perspective. Future vehicles will therefore have to be designed in a completely different way where cyber security has an entirely different role and security-by-design will have to be the mantra for the new development.
Patrick Verschure, senior consultant ICT & innovation, Epiic
Dutch vision on Cyber Security and incentive opportunities
In this presentation, Epiic will inform you about the national technology strategy and possible grants for projects.
Arthur Revaclier, Sr. Security Certification Specialist | Secura / Bureau Veritas Group
The lesser-known aspect of cybersecurity
People often see hackers as people who stay behind their screens and type lines of gibberish that somehow result in a company getting hacked. However, this couldn't be further from the reality. Hacking is more subtle and is not only related to technological means.
One of the most powerful ways to get inside a company is with people. Social engineering is on the rise and the popularity of professional social media, where people post pictures of badges, company positions, complaints, etc. helps hackers devise powerful plans.
Let's see how potential attacks can be crafted against a company, from a simple Google search to a full-on physical entry, and how we can protect against it.
Paul Jansen, CEO, TIOBE Software BV
Security of source code: the journey has just started
In this presentation, Paul Jansen (CEO TIOBE Software) will explain how the Security of source code can be measured, qualified, and even certified. TIOBE checks the Security of more than 1 billion lines of source code every day for companies such as Philips, the European Central Bank, and Enexis.
This event is free of charge. Please, note that there is a no-show fee of €15,00 excl. VAT.
Register here!