Together we're fan with Bianca!
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Each player of our soccer club PSV proudly wears the logo of Brainport Eindhoven on the chest. This is the ultimate example of a collaboration in which we as a region conquer the world. During the PSV - FC Twente match, the logo is replaced once, by ‘the story behind the shirt’.
Former player Björn van der Doelen will gladly explain it to you!
The motto ‘Strength through unity’, or as we in Brabant say ‘Eendracht maakt macht’, is central in PSV’s story. This motto also emphasises the strength of this region. Our region. Because cooperation is embedded in our DNA. Philips already realised this more than 125 years ago. In the technology region Brainport Eindhoven, both thinkers and doers are smartly working together. There is no place on earth like Brainport Eindhoven, where so many new ideas are being born every day. Together, we invent and build complex machines and innovative products that make the world a better place. That is why we are called the smartest region in the world. While we are constantly seeking out even smarter ways to improve things, the world is looking at how we are doing that. Since Brainport Eindhoven is the place where we help each other move forward. Where companies create new jobs at all levels. A place we all want to contribute to in our own way.
So, if you are wondering why the players of PSV, the region’s pride and joy, aren’t wearing the logos of ASML, High Tech Campus Eindhoven, Jumbo Supermarkten, Philips, Royal Swinkels Family Brewers or VDL Groep on their shirts, the answer is simple: the cooperation between these top companies and PSV is the ultimate example of how we are jointly conquering the world as one region. Now and in the future, both on and off the pitch, and jointly with everyone who lives here. Because Brainport belongs to all of us, as does PSV. This is Brainport Eindhoven. And this is our story.
In the technology region Brainport Eindhoven we work smart together as thinkers and doers. The possibilities are endless within Brainport. Discover, learn and grow.