04 September 2024
4x Tips from the RegioRadar in September
Brainport Eindhoven is the largest top technology region in the world. To retain this leading position, Brainport is stimulating international innovation and R&D partnerships. It is the only way to start long-term, qualitative and strategic cooperative relationships, which will lead to an increase in trade, more growth and better investments. Furthermore, by lowering the thresholds for international business and by identifying the market opportunities in the long-term, innovation and economic growth can be accelerated. .
When you as a company enter into an international innovation partnership, you have the opportunity to find foreign innovation partners, who want to invest in new technologies just as much as you do. Sometimes, you might even find knowledge and expertise that isn’t readily available in the Netherlands. Moreover, you have the opportunity to gain knowledge of the foreign markets and networks. All reasons to join one of the clusters.
A good example of such a successful, international partnership is Additive4Industry. Additive4Industry is a cluster in which both companies located in Brainport and international parties are focusing on Industrial Additive Manufacturing, such as 3D printing. The partnership was initiated in 2017 when the existing Bavarian industry cluster Mechatronics & Automation was linked to a Dutch consortium consisting of Brainport Industries, AMSYSTENS, TNO, TU/e and AddFab. This lead to the identification of several innovation projects and specific R&D challenges in the area of 3D printing. Moreover, this allowed both ecosystems to better understand each other’s network, knowledge and expertise, accelerating the innovation process.
Brainport Development is continuously building knowledge and innovation alliances between clusters and campuses. Furthermore, it continuously tries to create new partnerships both in the Netherlands and abroad. By entering into international partnerships, strategic alliances will be created regarding various topics. These alliances offer your company the opportunity to share knowledge with various parties from promising regions and to do business with companies abroad. Interested in a partnership with other foreign innovation partners? The business developers of Brainport Development can provide you with all the information you need. Free of charge. n.
Innovation cooperation in the field of Additive Manufacturing between cluster of Brainport companies and the Mechatronics and Automation cluster from Bavaria, southern Germany. Please contact Anne Verhaag from Brainport Development: