Dembrane aims to make democratic processes accessible to all types of organizations at all levels
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In Brainport, work is being done on cutting-edge technologies that make our lives nicer, cleaner, safer and more fun. Without ASML's chip-making machines, you wouldn't have a smartphone and without Lightyear, a car powered by solar energy would only exist in science fiction films.
Each and every one of these technologies is going to have an impact on our lives. One of Brainport's five key technologies is Artificial Intelligence. It is being called the most far-reaching technological development of our time.
The influence of Artificial Intelligence on our daily lives and our work is only going to increase. For example, what was the last Netflix recommendation you watched? And why does YouTube always show you films that are similar to the previous one? We already use apps and services in our leisure time which make use of AI.
In BrainportEindhoven, we make increasing use of AI, particularly in healthcare, mobility and the manufacturing industry for such things as the development of autonomous vehicles, intelligent transport systems, industrial robots and smart patient monitoring.
As residents of Brainport, we are already coming across these applications in development and test phases. So it's important that you know what AI entails and what your chances are of coming across it.
AI applications will be present everywhere soon; jobs will change and new ones will be created. Some jobs will even disappear in the future - will we still need parcel delivery drivers if everything can be delivered by drones? But most jobs will be changed by AI. Whereas a radiologist used to have to look at every scan to be able to reach a diagnosis, AI can now help make that diagnosis. In doing so, AI contributes to the solutions to social issues such as good and affordable healthcare.
Did you know that the number of job vacancies requiring AI and AI-related skills, such as 'data science' and 'machine learning' is increasing rapidly? Since 2016, the number of job vacancies in Brainport has doubled to more than 4,000 a year. And this number will continue to grow, thanks to the investments in this technology.
Whether you work in construction, service provision, education, retail, technique or healthcare, these developments require new skills from all of us, particularly in our region. By acquiring knowledge about AI now already, you will have an advantage in the employment market. Not everyone has to become an expert but understanding and being able to work with AI technology is a big plus.
Are you interested in discovering what you can do with AI and how AI will affect your job? Below you can find out what you can do and which opportunities can be found in the region. Also speak to your employer and discuss which opportunities there are for education or training. Which AI applications could further your organisation?