Next edition 3D Delta Week set for March 27 – 31 2023

3D Delta Week
Written by 3D Delta Week
13 October 2022
CooperationAdditive Manufacturing

As the first edition of the 3D Delta Week (3DDW) was a hit, the decision to organise a 2023-edition was a proverbial no-brainer. Now, the dates for the 3D Manufacturing event week have been decided: 27 to 31 March 2023. 3D Delta Week is a multiple-location, 5-day string of events and activities, all with a focus on 3D Manufacturing.

“Now is the time to explore your options,” says Pieter Hermans, referring to the precarious economic situation. Hermans is CEO of Jakajima, one of the co-organisers of the 3DDW and eminence grise on the technology. He adds: ”Additive Manufacturing offers new ways of production, with distinct advantages in terms of supply chain, strategic autonomy and sustainability. Attending the 3DDW will give companies insight into making the transition.”

A number of successful events are already set to take place again, such as the high-level R&D-Day on March 27, guided tours at the AM-factory of Brainport Industries Campus, and the relaxed 3D Delta networking dinner on Wednesday 29. The “AM for Production” fair and conference, on March 29 and 30 will undoubtedly attract the broadest attention.

The event, which is the successor of the 3D Production Days/RapidPro, has been thoroughly upgraded and will take place in the “Brabanthallen”, the main event location in ‘s Hertogenbosch (NL). New is the opportunity for exhibitors at the fair to organise half-day visits from the event location to their production or R&D facility in the region. The benefit for the visitors is obvious: it will offer them a broader and more hands-on experience of the technology. For the 3D Delta Week, it is a welcome opportunity to build an inclusive event week – involving the entire ecosystem.

“The 3D Delta Weeks’ purpose is to create the community, collaborations and the value-chain for users and providers”, explains Ruben Fokkema, ecosystem and business developer at Brainport Eindhoven, co-founder of the 3DDW.  

“The 3D Delta Weeks are the 3D manufacturing meeting point for expert and layman, inside or outside the Benelux region.”

Kris Binon from Flam3D, the third co-organizer

“Learn, Network and Explore in 3D Manufacturing” remains the rightful baseline of the event week. Organisations or companies that want to organise an event during the 3DDW are invited to contact the organisers through or fill in the activity proposal form via this page.

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