Innovation Awards from Eindhoven Maker Faire: Who will win Best Product or Best Maker?

Written by Eindhoven Maker Faire
13 September 2023
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That the Eindhoven Maker Faire, on Saturday, Sept. 23 and Sunday, Sept. 24, is a coming together of the coolest creations, the most extraordinary inventions, the most technologically crazy gadgets, we know. It is the place where the world of tomorrow is invented and made.


It is therefore also the place to present the Innovation Awards. Two awards to be exact, the GBO Innovation Award for Best Product and the Rabobank Innovation Award for Best Maker.

This challenge consists of a selection of innovative and creative makers who are developing as promising startups in the new world of tomorrow. It is an international showcase of the makers of tomorrow's hybrid world, with a professional jury awarding prizes to the most innovative and promising makers and products.

The jury:

- Jaques Gramser, director GBO Helmond
- René Kivits, director Insurance Rabobank
- Bert Jan Woertman, director Microcenter
- Bert Brouwers, director of Innovation Origins

The Best Product and Best Maker Innovation Awards will be presented on Saturday, September 23, 2023. The jury will judge the 10 nominees that same morning, from the start of the Eindhoven Maker Faire. After jury deliberations, the award ceremony will take place at 12:00 in the City Hall on the stage!

More about the Eindhoven Maker Faire

The Eindhoven Maker Faire is an insanely creative festival for curious people. More than a hundred makers present their latest creations. Experience how the world of tomorrow is conceived and made. Makers love to share their knowledge with you in an interactive way. From designers to hackers, artists to software developers and from futurists to recyclers. Build your own race car, program a robot, learn 3D printing and be amazed by giant robots and artistic installations.

For an entire weekend, Stadhuisplein and Stadhuis Eindhoven will be buzzing with interactive presentations, workshops, fun and food!

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