Agenda with the Government
Cabinet Rutte IV decided at the end of 2021 to develop the Brainport region's transport hub status. Since 2022, this has been done in a separate and regular consultation between the central government and the region (the Brainport Administrative Consultation) and on the basis of the Brainport Strategic Agenda. Various follow-up agreements, plans, and measures have already resulted from this. Find these plans and measures on this page.
Brainport Strategic Agenda
Cabinet Rutte IV decided at the end of 2021 to develop the Brainport region's transport hub status. Since 2022, this has been done in a separate and regular consultation between the central government and the region (the Brainport Administrative Consultation) and on the basis of the Brainport Strategic Agenda. This consultation is called Bestuurlijk Overleg Brainport (BO Brainport). The central government and the region conduct the policy dialogue on the shared ambitions towards 2030. This implies that: A) The region can make a spatial scale leap; B) Sufficient talent is available; C) Strengthened technological competitiveness; and D) Resilient supply chains. The full ambitions can be read in the Strategic Agenda Brainport. The proposed measures for the talent task are included in the Regional Agenda Scale Up Talent.
Read moreAdministrative Consultation Brainport
Participants in the BO Brainport on the national side are the Minister of Economic Affairs and Climate Change (chairman), the Minister of Housing and Spatial Planning, the Minister of Education, Culture and Science, the Minister of Infrastructure and Water Management and the State Secretary of Infrastructure and Water Management. From the regional side, these are the chairman of Brainport Foundation, the deputy for Economy Province of North Brabant, the alderman for Economy of the Municipality of Eindhoven, as well as the chairman of the portfolio holders' meeting (PoHo) Economy of the Eindhoven Metropolitan Region (21 municipalities) and the director of Brainport Foundation and Brainport Development.

Regional Agenda for Talent Scale-Up
The regional agenda for the Talent Scale Up is part of the Strategic Agenda Brainport Eindhoven. The Talent pillar has been elaborated up to and including 2032. The measures and activities have been drawn up in consultation with directors and representatives of many companies, VNO-NCW, Brainport Industries, FNV, po—and institutions, Summa, ROC Ter AA, Fontys, TU/e, labour market regions Southeast Brabant and Helmond-De Peel, and the Province of North Brabant.
Download the Regional Agenda for Talent Scale-Up (in Dutch)Project Beethoven 2024
Under the name Project Beethoven, decided in the Council of Ministers on 28 March 2024, the central government, province, and region will invest €2.51 billion until 2030 in public facilities in Brainport Eindhoven and its surroundings and in a national talent plan to ensure sufficient talent in the microchip industry.
The infographic gives a good picture of the set of measures.

Relevant information / Downloads
Project Beethoven
Press release: Investment of 2.5 billion in Brainport Eindhoven
The official documents on Project Beethoven or Investment in the microchip business climate on the website of the House of Representatives (in Dutch)
Pieces of National Microchip Talent Strengthening Plan
- National Microchip Talent Strengthening Plan to the House of Representatives (in Dutch)
- National Microchip Talent Strengthening Plan (in Dutch)
Annex 1 - Action line 1 (in Dutch)
Annex 2 - Action line 2 (in Dutch)
Annex 3 - Action line 3 (in Dutch)
Annex 4 - Budget (in Dutch)
Brainport Deal infrastructure 2022
In November 2022, it was announced that the national government and the Brainport region together will invest almost 1.6 billion euros in the accessibility of Brainport Eindhoven. The content of the package of measures is set out below. Read more in the press release: National government and region invest almost 1.6 billion in improving Brainport Eindhoven infrastructure

Letter from Brainport to the informant 09-01-2024
On Monday, January 9, 2024, the chairman of the Brainport Foundation, Jeroen Dijsselbloem, sent this letter with the subject 'Commitment to Brainport Eindhoven new cabinet' (in Dutch) to cabinet informant Ronald Plasterk.
03-07-2024 Letter from ChipNL to the cabinet
ChipNL 's urgent appeal (in Dutch) to the new cabinet to invest 100-150 million euros per year in an innovation program for the Dutch chip industry over the next six years is fully endorsed by Brainport Eindhoven. The Dutch chip industry is of great value to the geopolitical position of the Netherlands and Europe. However, the lack of focus, public investments and a joint strategy means that we are in danger of falling behind. Investing in innovation in the Dutch semiconductor sector means investing in the competitive position of the Netherlands on the world stage, in the global companies of tomorrow and thus in the employment of the future!