Kill two birds with one stone: knowledge about education and the Peel region

Brainport for Each Other will be an association of social employers: companies, educational institutions, governments and civil society organisations working together on social issues. In the run-up to the establishment of our association, we are pleased to share Ingeborg Janssen Reinen, chairman of the Executive Board at Ter AA, is part of our intended executive board. Ingeborg has a large network and a lot of knowledge of education and the Helmond-De Peel region. She therefore takes a seat on behalf of the educational institutions and has the ambition to ensure even more connection. Read more here.
'At Ter AA, we are at the centre of society. We offer a wide range of MBO courses that are needed in Helmond and the surrounding area, such as technology, ICT and care. We have a lot of contact with companies and institutions in Helmond and the Peel region, so we know what they need. It is natural for me - because of our involvement with the world outside our school - to look beyond our job description. An example? At primary schools where there are a lot of multilingual children, we are also working to show their parents around.
I like the fact that I was asked to join the executive committee of the Brainport for Each Other association. I think I can offer a good addition to the expertise of the other board members, because of my knowledge about education and the Helmond-De Peel region. Two birds with one stone, in other words. It is important to ensure a connection in the Brainport region between industry, educational institutions, municipalities and social organisations. Because we need each other. Not only when it comes to economic interests. There must also be a focus on the social environment in which we work and live.
There are all kinds of activities in Helmond that fit seamlessly with the objectives of Brainport for Each Other. A good example is the City Plan for Low Literacy, aimed at helping people who have difficulty reading and writing. In the meantime, we have gained a lot of knowledge about what can be done about this social problem. I am happy to share that knowledge and insight.
Brainport for Each Other has a hardworking programme club that is busy with all kinds of useful projects. Because of my large network, I can bring people together.
Where will we be in five years? It would be great if we have managed to connect all 21 municipalities that are part of the Brainport region. We don't have to do everything together, but there are many things we can do together. Initiatives that really benefit all our residents. I also hope that residents will then notice that companies take their social responsibility seriously.