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Whether you are learning, studying or working, Brainport Eindhoven offers limitless opportunities for growth. Your success depends on the way you overcome your challenges. Please contact Brainport if you need any support. We will help you gain more knowledge and new perspectives or we will just answer your questions.

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World Dream Day

Today is World Dream Day. On this day we reflect on dreams we still have. In Brainport Eindhoven we develop high-tech and innovative solutions for social issues. We also have a number of dreams. Will you dream with us?

Written by Brainport Eindhoven

25 September 2020

Today is World Dream Day. On this day we reflect on dreams we still have. In Brainport Eindhoven we develop high-tech and innovative solutions for social issues. We also have a number of dreams. Will you dream with us?

Written by Brainport Eindhoven

25 September 2020

Brainport Eindhoven will be the healthiest community in the EU by 2040

Happy people live in a healthy society. It is therefore of social importance to find solutions that allow us to make our healthcare affordable and to improve it. We need new healthcare technologies to allow people to live a healthy and longer life. Think of medical equipment that can trace deceases at an early stage and care robots to help solve the shortage of qualified caregivers. 

In twenty years, healthcare will evolve around preventive health of body and mind. We will monitor with smart technologies and register all measurable data in respect of personal and collective health. We will then capture the data in high-speed 8G networks that will transfer this data anonymously to open source health databases, where the data will be analyzed to gain more information about (un)healthy lifestyles. That information will be used for medical advice and early diagnosis of various deceases.

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Brainport Eindhoven will have clean, safe and traffic-free traffic by 2030

Cleaner, faster and smarter ways of transportation are becoming increasingly important within our society. From self-charging solar powered cars to self-driving vehicles that do the work for you. Mobility is increasingly important in our every-day lives. Not only in respect of personal transportation. The coming years, we also have to come up with solutions for freight transport to be able to keep meeting demands. 

In twenty years, mobility will only be a convenience product used when necessary. Smart assistants will carefully determine the travel times, routes and means of transportation ensuring that you or any products will arrive at the destination in time. And if need be, these smart assistants can also mutually determine whether the location must be changed intermediately to optimize the travel or delivery times. In what way can you contribute to this development?

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Brainport Eindhoven will be 100% self-sufficient in sustainable (green) energy by 2040

We need energy for almost everything we do. Of course, we have been working on innovations that make fossil fuels obsolete for years. Innovations, such as the most state-of-the-art solar panels on the roofs of our houses or fully hybrid cars. To be able to sustain our world, we need to be more sustainable when it comes to the use of energy. We need to generate, convert and store the energy in a sustainable way and develop products that deliver maximum performance with as less energy as possible.  

In twenty years, thousands of cities will be fully sustainable and carbon free. And 75% of our energy will be generated decentrally through solar energy. Users will only pay the amount of energy they use from the energy network. Any surpluses will be stored by energy systems or supplied to regional or national grids with a shortage of energy. Only large-scale industry will still use the centralized energy parks that are slowly disappearing from our landscape. 

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