Don't just sit back and watch, get involved!

''Don't just sit back and watch, get involved! That is the strength of Brainport and it is once again apparent in the partner fund. Private-public partnerships that enable us to guarantee accessibility, housing, knowledge and inclusiveness. The prosperity this region brings is also a matter of giving back. Whether or not my company benefits directly from this is of secondary importance to me. What is important is that we can manage the pressure on society. As a third generation, from a notary and architectural background to a real estate-related company. Housing talented companies and residents of the region. Together we can make a difference and that is why I am happy to participate.''
The Brainport Partner Fund is delighted to welcome Govers Real Estate as a participant in the fund. Together with the other participants in the fund, Govers Real Estate will ensure that the Brainport region remains healthy and attractive for its residents and businesses.
With the Brainport Partner Fund, the business community in Brainport makes a financial contribution to the future of the region. Together with the national and regional governments, companies are investing in better accessibility, the accelerated construction of affordable housing, the training of additional technical talent, a balanced labour market, equal opportunities and social cohesion. These are measures that are necessary to manage the accelerated growth of the region. This will ensure that prosperity and welfare remain in balance.