
Accelerating AI innovation

The importance of AI for the region is clear. For that reason, we as a region stepped into the Dutch AI Coalition (NL AIC) with the goal of making the Netherlands a major AI player in healthcare, mobility and efficient manufacturing. Can we help you further? Read all about the AI-hub Brainport here!

The Brainport focus:

Accelerating AI innovation

The recent rise of AI is the result of a number of mutually reinforcing technological developments: the growing volume of data, advances in the quality of algorithms, and the growth of computing power that allows enormous amounts of data to be stored and processed. Artificial intelligence in the 21st century is a general-purpose technology that will affect almost all sectors of society: from healthcare to retail, from agriculture to finance, from education to energy. 

The AI-hub Brainport wants to further help, strengthen and connect initiatives with a focus on the development of AI and its applications.


The Brainport focus

Accelerating through Collaborating

The AI-hub Brainport consists of and is open to all companies, educational and knowledge institutions and public organizations in the province of Brabant that aim to develop, strengthen and connect initiatives with a focus on the development of AI and its application in fields such as High-Tech Industry, Mobility and MedTech. Across the value chain, AI will play a dominant role in keeping our high-tech systems world-leading and competitive. The knowledge and experience gathered by these parties makes this hub valuable. 

To realize our ambitions, the activities of the AI-hub Brainport have been divided into a number of so-called work packages with our partners - as shown in the image.

Innovation through collaboration

Meet our Partners

Work package: Human-Centric AI

ELSA lab: ethical, legal and societal aspects of AI

Work package: Research & Innovation

Technology development for AI application in mobility and industry

Work package: Startups & Scale-ups

Pre-conditions for AI technology: digital infrastructure and data

Work package: SME Support

Digital transformation of SMEs (using AI)

Work package: Education Development

Continuous curriculum in AI

Work package: Professional Education

Creating an AI learning community

The Brainport focus

AI-hub Brainport plan

Download the AI-hub Brainport plan here. This plan is a blueprint with ambitions, goals and activities and provides insight into the ongoing projects and programmes of the AI-hub Brainport and its partners. Together, we are building a strong AI ecosystem in Brabant, within a strong Dutch AI cooperation (AIC NL) with partners in the EU and beyond.

Download the plan

Accelerating innovation

Brainport Best Practices

Discover more about the possibilities and developments of AI in other fields through our partners' cases.

Carefree diagnostics - TNO

‘Carefree’ diagnostics prevent machine downtime

App against needle fear - Tilburg University

Researchers launched app against needle fear

Castlab - Mindlabs

How do you futureproof the traditional manufacturing industry?

AI Summit Brainport 2023

AI with a human touch: regulation for co-creation

Sara Robotics

The ever-patient extra hand in long-term care

Apply here

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