Social experiment: senior citizens test AI course

Artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming more and more popular. In fact, everyone is going to come across it on a daily basis, whether consciously or unconsciously. So Brainport Eindhoven has developed an easily accessible course so that all the region's inhabitants can get themselves 'retrained' in this subject. And who better to test that course than the most critical of target groups: senior citizens.


An app which can detect your skin cancer on the basis of a photo, a self-driving shuttle bus and a shopping cart that scans your groceries and pays for them. These are just a few examples that are dealt with in the Brainport AI Course. But there's a good reason for choosing these ones. We're looking at AI applications in the region. A lot is happening in the field of artificial intelligence in Brainport. "You can find hundreds of companies here that are working on the development of AI or its applications", says Mira Dreessen, project manager at Brainport Development.

Free course

"As Brainport, we think it's important that the residents of the region know what's happening in this field. Everyone will come across it sooner or later. In addition, thousands of jobs are going to be created in the coming years for this emerging key technology. So we decided to develop an easily accessible course for our region's inhabitants. Free of charge. And for both young and old."

Perfect target group

Four senior citizens from the region were invited to the Brainport office to test the course. "We consciously chose to give people with the greatest distance from this technology the first chance of testing the course. They didn't grow up with a computer or a smartphone, they've had to learn it all themselves. So for us, senior citizens form the perfect target group to test the course.”

Less stress through music

One of the four senior citizens who took the course is Jan. He was impressed by the possibilities that AI offers. "I was given an example of an application with music. So it's already possible to adapt music, using AI, to lower your stress levels. I think that's just fantastic." Jan recommends that everyone take the course. "In the end, everyone is going to come in contact with the applications of AI in our region, directly or indirectly. Then you should want to know more about it, shouldn't you!?’

Part of a bigger plan

The Brainport AI Course is a part of the campaigns about key technologies, in which all residents of Brainport (including the internationals) are to be informed about the key technologies in the region. For example, pupils at primary and secondary schools are being informed by way of teaching materials.

The Brainport AI Course can be taken starting from today

Starting today, the Brainport AI Course can be taken through: The course consists of seven chapters, is available in both Dutch and English and takes around 90 minutes to complete. You can complete the Introduction to AI in just 15 minutes.

Participating partners

The AI Course was developed in collaboration with the AI-hub Brainport, TU/e EAISI, JADS, Alphabeats, Jumbo, FABULOS and Philips.