Leaders in 3D printing industry partner up at the Brainport Industries Campus to develop scalable Additive Manufacturing applications

Founders of Marketiger (Maikel de Wit) and Additive Center (Maarten van Dijk) launch the AMcubator, a brand new joint venture to accelerate the development of high volume 3D printed products. Joint efforts of launching partners Royal DSM, Hexagon, AM-flow and AM Solutions - a brand of the Rösler Group will result in true scalable applications in Additive Manufacturing.
Additive Center and Marketiger, both emerging companies in the field of 3D printing, today announce the launch of AMcubator. A brand new initiative that brings together companies active in the field of 3D printing at the Brainport Industries Campus in Eindhoven. “Only by collaborating with partners from the ecosystem; new and disruptive 3D printing applications can be developed” says Maarten van Dijk, co-Founder of AMcubator. “That’s why we decided to create a center with facilities to physically bring together technology and experts of leaders in our industry”.
The AMcubator is a 1100m2 center at the Brainport Industries Campus and provides the facilities for members to house both their experts in an application center as well as their equipment in a pilot factory. “From the start we house leading 3D printing companies in hardware, software, materials, validation and automation. All together in one area.” Says van Dijk. “AMcubator takes the role as facilitator between the members to ensure a one-stop-shop for all industries looking to onboard 3D printing as a production technology.”
“We are extremely excited to launch AMcubator with global leaders in our space. We believe that collaboration is key to assure a scalable future of Additive Manufacturing processes.” says Maikel de Wit, other co-Founder of AMcubator. “With Royal DSM, Hexagon, AM-flow, AM Solutions, Marketiger and Additive Center as launching members we have the capabilities to support companies from the first idea towards running pilot productions and develop market applications.”. With support of members Brainport Industries Campus and Brainport Development, AMcubator has the ambition to grow into a global hotspot for high volume 3D printed applications.
“As launching partner of the AMcubator we’ll be displaying our latest innovation in the field of post-processing in Additive Manufacturing. Together with other launching partners we’re bringing scalable applications to the market and optimize processes further in order to have Additive Manufacturing as a competitive manufacturing technology” says Gerard Nijhof from AM Solutions - 3D post processing technology. By joint collaboration of experts in the field of Additive Manufacturing, AMcubator will accelerate applications across all markets by ma king it accessible and understandable. “We look forward to helping innovators accelerate their product development and apply AM to deliver low-run production batches and one-off custom parts at competitive prices. That's why we have provided state-of-the-art 3D measuring technology and CAD/CAM software to AMcubator” Jan Klin gen from launching partner Hexagon says. Launching partner AM-Flow pioneering industry 4.0 for additive manufacturing adds “The collaboration with other partners will enable us to further develop & fine-tune our modular AM factory automation solutions in a live production environment”.
Aside from 3D printing memberships including facilities, AMcubator announces AMclub. An accessible membership specifically designed for companies to use 3D printing in their organization. Through this membership companies have access to four time anual AMcubator events and stay up-to-date on the latest developments in Additive Manufacturing. To celebrate the launch, AMcubator will offer a 50% discount to companies that become a member in 2020 (www.amcubator.com/launch).