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Heliox charging infrastructure is part of first-of-its-kind Energy Management Ecosystem to power e-buses and e-cars in Den Bosch’s Green Transfer Station

Written by Brainport Eindhoven

22 March 2021

Written by Brainport Eindhoven

22 March 2021

An energy management ecosystem - a closer look

In Den Bosch a first-of-its-kind “Energy Management Ecosystem” integrating solar panels, a power converter, battery energy storage and grid connection in combination with a smart energy management system work seamlessly together to power electric buses and electric passenger vehicles. Depending on the time of day in combination with the energy demand from e-bus or e-car ,energy is drawn from either the solar panels, the battery energy storage, the grid or a combination of those.

On the roof of the Transferium, solar panels have been constructed. The  energy from the panels is transferred to a bi-directional power converter that connects to a battery.  As a result of smart energy management,  demand and energy harvest via solar panels can be levelled out. In case a charging e-bus or e-car demands more energy, this is directly taken from the grid. Also, in case a surplus of energy cannot be stored in the battery, it flows back into the grid due to the bi-directional power converter.

A consortium effort

Within of consortium of 5 partners, Heliox contributed  to the CONNECT project, funded by the EU. The aim of  CONNECT is to provide concepts, technologies and components that support enhanced integration of renewables and storage combined with intelligent management of the energy flow. In close cooperation with consortium partners the TU/e, Greenflux, Gemeente Den Bosch and Enexis, the project was successfully deployed after 3 years.