Brainport Development launches independent online platform for entrepreneurs

Brainport Development launches Connect: a free and independent online platform where Brainport entrepreneurs can find each other. "The idea behind the website is that you can easily profile your company online, share what you are doing, what challenges you face and what you have to offer others in the ecosystem," says Piet van der Wielen, Program Manager Business at Brainport Development, the economic development agency of the Brainport Eindhoven region.
The development of the platform took several months. "The corona crisis only increases the need for such a platform, but it is mainly intended to help companies in Brainport in the long term," Van der Wielen says.
When you open Connect you will see a large map with pins where you can easily zoom in on your region. There you immediately see who your neighbors are and what they do. You can also filter on type of industry and then see where people from your industry are located in the Brainport region. Or select what companies have to offer. The platform is up and running and already has quite a few completed profiles online. “If we all participate, we will have a valuable overview of what the Brainport companies do and the opportunity to quickly see who can help you with your challenge,” Van der Wielen says. “This way you expand your network in a purposeful and efficient way.”
The economic development agency chose to develop such a platform because it was looking for a way to further promote collaboration in the region.
"That’s exactly what made this region strong," Van der Wielen knows. “But if you don't yet have such a large network, for example in the case of a start-up, it can be a bit more difficult to find the right parties. And not every SME has filled its website with all current challenges and achieved successes. It would be a shame if you struggle with a problem and try to solve it on your own while your neighbor has just solved it. That's where Connect offers an opportunity.”
In addition, companies can receive information from Brainport Development that is relevant to them via this platform. For example, participants receive suggestions for interesting matches with other companies, information about relevant themes and invitations to workshops and meetings organized in the region.
Registration is free. You can create a profile in just a few steps. The platform is intended for all high tech and manufacturing companies located in the Brainport region.