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Whether you are learning, studying or working, Brainport Eindhoven offers limitless opportunities for growth. Your success depends on the way you overcome your challenges. Please contact Brainport if you need any support. We will help you gain more knowledge and new perspectives or we will just answer your questions.

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Hybrid Teachers in Brainport Eindhoven

Hybrid teachers are people from the business world who use their knowledge and practical skills in education. This can be done in various ways: by combining working for a company and teaching, through (structural) guest lectures or by providing teaching modules together with colleagues.


In the Brainport region in 2020, in cooperation with the provence of North Brabant and the Techiekpact, the Hybrid Tech Teacher pilot was launched. Over the past three years, a large number of concrete connections between education and industry have been established. More than 160 hybrid teachers, from over 50 companies, have dedicated themselves to education in the Brainport region. A result we as a region can be proud of!

By now, it is impossible to imagine education in the Brainport region without the hybrid teacher. By using hybrid teachers, educational institutions are in close contact with the business community. This cooperation contributes to the goal of offering young people the best possible opportunities and preparing them well for life after school.

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Opportunities for you as a hybrid teacher

As a hybrid teacher, you share your enthusiasm for and knowledge of the profession with pupils and students. This is a beautiful and valuable combination of investing in your own development as well as the development of young people! An added value for the hybrid teacher as a person, but also for education and business.

"I've had all the opportunities, now I want to give something back."

Fulco Verheul, hybrid teacher and employed at Van Mierlo Eindhoven

Hybrid teacher as a colleague

The hybrid teacher is an expert. Not a teacher in the classic sense of the word and therefore not intended as a solution to the teacher shortage. The use of the hybrid teacher is broad and varies 
from individually supervising graduating students at further education institutions, to teaching at secondary schools and creating new teaching programs.

"Hybrid teachers are our needle in the haystack."

Bart-Jan van Lierop, Fontys Mechatronica

Inspiration and development

The hybrid teachers in our region report that they find their work in teaching truly enriching. Teaching offers the opportunity to develop competencies such as coaching colleagues, speaking in front of a group or dealing with difficult situations. The variety, meeting new colleagues and a different environment increase job satisfaction and ensure engaged colleagues.

More information or join? Get in touch!

Do you have questions or would you like more information? Then contact Thomas van Waesberge, project leader Hybrid Teachers in Brainport Eindhoven, directly.