17 September 2024
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Talking about money can be tricky but it is a good thing to do! Especially with family and friends. Talking about your worries often offers relieve and can give you more insight. You can learn from the mistakes and successes of others. Even in the case of financial setbacks, talking about money can be a first step towards a solution. But how do you engage in such a conversation? Read the tips below and be inspired.
1. Provide a pleasant and safe environment
Choose a situation in which you and the other person feel comfortable. Go for a walk together. Do it in person, not by phone or app. In this way you can see each other's faces and emotions.
2. Make sure you know what you want to ask
Would you like to hear how others do it? Then talk to someone who has his or her act together. And ask for practical tips.
For example, ask:
• How do you make sure you save some money each month?
• Would you like to stop working earlier, and are you setting aside money to do so?
• Do you make financial arrangements with your partner about what you spend money on?
3. It is important to just listen
Discussing your money problems openly can be quite scary. Here's a tip for when a friend starts a conversation about the subject. For many people openly admitting having money problems or have made financial mistakes, feels like a failure. When, in fact, that's not necessary at all. The most important thing is to listen and offer someone the opportunity to tell his or her story without asking too much questions. This means: listen first, show understanding and don't judge. Don't ask if you can help before you know the whole story. And think about what the first step should be together. Find all advice and tips, check out this website.
Do you have questions about money or trouble making ends meet? Brainport for each other together with Geldfit helps you get your finances in order and prevent you from having money worries.
Everone can have money concerns. You are not alone.
Take the anonymous test and discover what you can do within 2 minutes. Do you prefer personal advice? Call 0800-8115 for free.
This is how you get control over your money.
On www.wijzeringeldzaken.nl you can find all kinds of practical tips and information, for example checklists what to arrange when you have a child or when your child starts school, as well as information on the financial aspects of divorce or death.
Go to Wijzer in GeldzakenGo to https://www.datgeldtvoormij.nl/. This website has information on benefits and regulations, among other things. Or visit: https://potjescheck.geldfit.nl/ .
Make a record of your income and expenses. You can do this in several ways:
For practical tips, check out https://www.nibud.nl/tools/stappenplan-administratie-opzetten-en-bijhouden
From time to time everyone faces unexpected expenses. Think of your car breaking down, your bike getting stolen, etc. It is therefore important to create a sufficient financial buffer.
It is also helpful to have savings goals, such as for a vacation or an item of clothing that you would really like to have. In this way you can make saving really fun for yourself, too! Check out https://www.wijzeringeldzaken.nl/sparen/checklist-sparen to see what is the best way to start saving money!
Visit https://www.mijnpensioenoverzicht.nl to check what your current pension entitlements are and what the expected pension amount will be if you continue like this, but also get tips and tools to get started on your retirement and information on how a life event affects your retirement!
You can also visit https://www.wijzeringeldzaken.nl/rekenhulpen/zelf-sparen-voor-je-pensioen for practical tips on how to save for your retirement yourself.
While it's sometimes nice or convenient to still be able to buy something you don't have the money for immediately, it's very easy to lose an overview of your finances when you buy on credit. It can lead to late payments if you end up not being able to afford the amount you owe.
For more information, visit: https://www.nibud.nl/nieuws/nibud-terechte-zorg-afm-om-ontbreken-regelgeving-achteraf-betalen en https://nos.nl/artikel/2317577-kopen-op-afbetaling-het-was-het-enige-dat-mij-gelukkig-maakte.
Instead of settling everything digitally, you can keep a great grip on money by paying in cash. After all, you can't spend more than you have on you! For example, pay in cash when you go out, do your shopping with cash money or give your child cash pocket money. You'll learn to manage your money better and you won't be able to spend too much!
See among others: https://www.nibud.nl/nieuws/help-ik-mis-contant-betalen and The role of cash for more information.
If you are not familiar with tax returns, get help from a local help agency. Check out https://www.wijzeringeldzaken.nl/geldzaken-door-het-jaar-heen/belastingaangifte-doen, among others, if you find it difficult to fil in a tax return yourself.