Meet our pioneer: Luuk Roozen

In Brainport Eindhoven we are changing the world because here we develop key technologies that change society. We can only do this thanks to our pioneers. That's why we would like to introduce you to one of our pioneers: Luuk Roozen
Who are you?
My name is Luuk Roozen and I am 24 years old. Originally I come from Diessen, a village between Eindhoven and Tilburg. Since I participated in Solar Team Eindhoven, I have been living near Strijp.
What do you study?
I’m now at the end of the first year of the Embedded Systems master's program at TU/e. Before this, I did the Bachelor of Web Science (Computer Science & Engineering).
Embedded systems are processors that are incorporated in other devices, such as in your telephone or hospital equipment.
Why did you choose this study?
I first did a bachelor's degree in Web Science, because I initially leaned more towards the combination of psychology and software from high school. But after that bachelor, I wanted to go more into the 'low level' side, where you mainly work with websites and you have to take the human side into account. I want to do that more in embedded systems. That we think a little more about usability and things like that.
"After that bachelor, I wanted to go more into the 'low level' side, where you mainly work with websites and you have to take the human side into account."
Luuk Roozen
What student team are you in?
I work as a System Architect in Computer Science at Solar Team Eindhoven. I’m also responsible for the code of the Battery Management System and the code for the Maximum Power Point Tracking Controllers.
Why do you work in this team?
The Solar Team seemed like a great opportunity to discover the practice for once. During the study, you learn a lot about theory and about how to make models to have as complete a picture of the system as possible in advance. So I was especially curious how this would translate into practice and therefore wanted to join the Solar Team.

What have you learned from this student team?
Unbelievably much! I came in with a lot of theory but soon noticed that it isn’t as straightforward in a multidisciplinary team as in subjects: you have to take into account many more different interests. Communication is very important and also that good planning or overview is created.
What do you want to do next?
I would like to work for a company where I can focus on the optimization of systems. So first analyze data and then try to make the systems more efficient on that basis. But what I especially want is that these kinds of systems help people. So it would also seem nice to me to start working on systems that could be used in developing countries, for example, for medical purposes or perhaps for energy, or water, or something along those lines.
What do you find important about a later job?
That I have quite a bit of freedom to work when I want. I think from 9 to 5 is fine, only sometimes when I'm in the flow, I also want to be able to continue working without someone telling me to stop. Or maybe I have just completed something and I prefer to have a few weeks off, then I want that to be possible too.
"When I'm in the flow, I also want to be able to continue working without someone telling me to stop."
Luuk Roozen
What do you think about studying and living in Brainport Eindhoven?
I currently live at Strijp, and I must say that I love it there. I come from a village and precisely because Strijp still has that village feeling, it reminds me a bit of home. I also like that companies are so close. What I've noticed over the past year at Solar is how important it is that you can switch quickly with companies, and that's easiest if you can just pass by.
What else would you like to tell (future) students in Brainport Eindhoven?
Do everything at your own pace!