Development of battery technology and applications
Europe’s ambition to become the first climate-neutral continent will give Brainport Eindhoven the opportunity to become a pioneer in energy transition.

To become the first climate-neutral continent, electrification of the transport sector is an important step. This sector is responsible for a large part of the CO2 emissions in Europe. To be able to develop an emission-free transport system, it is important to electrify the transport and logistics sector and to develop new battery technology. The battery market is expected to increase enormously every year.
Bases on the knowledge and expertise in Brainport Eindhoven, there are huge opportunities to integrate batteries into various applications, to develop new battery technology and to automate manufacturing processes. Various research projects and startups have been set up thanks to the Eindhoven University of Technology and TNO. To better seize those opportunities for the region and for the Netherlands, different parties are working together in a Battery Competence Center. Here companies, knowledge institutes and public authorities are jointly developing new and sustainable battery packs, technologies and the opportunites of second-use and recycling to accelerate the transition towards a fossil-free transport system.