AI applications
In medical technology
We, jointly with all partners in the AI-hub Brainport, are fully committed to developing and accelerating AI competences. Progress with respect to AI innovations developed by companies and public authorities has been rather slow. We want to accelerate that progress by focusing on medical technology, smart mobility and the application of AI in high-tech industry. And by training specialists, students and employees at all levels. After all, AI impacts us all.

Brainport podcast: AI in healthcare
Brainport Podcast by Tom Jessen with Maureen van Eijnatten (TU/e) and Jon Pluyter (Philips Experience Design)
Directly listen to the podcast via this page or via your favorite channel.
Link to podcast

AI Webinar
Prof. Dr. Erik R. Ranschaert ETZ AI for Radiology is a frequent speaker at international events and is co-editor of the first book on artificial intelligence in radiology, published in 2019: “How disruptive is AI for Radiologists and healthcare in general?”
Link to Webinar