Grid congestion: at Brainport Industries Campus, they solve it themselves

The electricity grid in Brabant is nearly full. In the Brainport region alone, dozens of companies are waiting for a new or heavier connection. At the completely gas-free Brainport Industries Campus (BIC) in Eindhoven, BIC Utility BV, a joint venture between Equans and the Brabantse Ontwikkelings Maatschappij (BOM), is solving this problem of grid congestion itself: behind the meter at its own power plant, so that the campus does not have to call on the grid operator for a heavier connection.
"An important part of the solution is ingenious energy management, as we have been applying on campus for years to provide tenants with optimal sustainability and guaranteed uptime," explains Ruud Vleugels on behalf of utility partner Equans.
"However, due to growing electricity demand, we saw that we needed to step up. Reason for us as BIC Utility BV to opt for an expansion of the solar roof and additional storage capacity in the form of a battery in our own power plant." Extensions recently completed by Equans.

"With this new step, we are ensuring that we keep demand and feed-in to the grid operator as small as possible and do not unnecessarily take up grid capacity. This despite a growing electricity demand, also on campus," Vleugels explains. "Moreover, this way we consume as much of our own solar energy as possible."
No one believes what we do here. Such low consumption, such low demand for power, it's impossible. While the number of companies located on campus is growing and companies are only expanding their production.
Ruud Vleugels, Director of Energy & Utility Partners at Equans
Interest is high
"If all the companies located at the BIC individually applied for a connection to the grid operator, they would need ten times more power than what they are now asking for together," Vleugels calculates. "No one believes what we are doing here. Such a low consumption, such a low demand for power, surely that is not possible while the number of companies located on campus is growing and companies are only expanding their production. We get questions from everyone," he says not without pride.
Continuous process
"We look very carefully at a tenant's specific situation," Vleugels continues. "For example, we monitor each individual's consumption and adjust where necessary. A continuous process of scaling up and down which keeps the energy costs for tenants manageable and we as BIC Utility BV can always use our utilities optimally."
"Congestion management with capital letters," concludes Vleugels. And that in a place that breathes top technology and collaboration. "All the more wonderful that we as BIC Utility BV were able to tackle the problem of grid congestion right here. This together with the tenants and thanks to financing from Rabobank in the expansion of the solar roof and battery."

We see the energy management and sustainability of the BIC as a showcase for other business parks in the Netherlands. The knowledge and experience we gain here we as BOM like to use to structure and finance other Brabant projects in a smart way as well.
Ernst Coolen, Investment Director Renewable Energy at BOM
"As co-owner of BIC Utility BV, BOM is proud of what we have achieved here, " said Ernst Coolen, Investment Director Renewable Energy at BOM. "We see the energy management and sustainability of BIC as a showcase for untapped opportunities that still exist at many business parks in the Netherlands. For the utilization and realization of this potential, the formation of strong collectives, as formed at the BIC, is an important accelerator. We are happy to use the knowledge and experience we gain here to also structure and finance other Brabant projects in a smart way."
Part of this strong collective is also Rabobank. Through financing, the bank is facilitating the realization of the energy system at the BIC. "In 2021 we agreed on the financing of the sustainable energy plant. At the time, the financing of this so-called Energy Service Company (ESCo) was considered a breakthrough in the energy transition," indicates Johan van de Louw, director of cooperative Rabobank. "The BOM and Equans have since shown that a sustainable power plant works and that gives confidence for new projects. Like now the battery and the expansion of the solar roof."

Account Manager Wholesale Industry & Energy Philine Visser of Rabobank says: "BIC is showing that if you sit down with the right parties you can realize innovative solutions to social issues, in this case grid congestion. As an account manager, it is of course very cool to be involved in this type of realization. These are developments that can really make a difference, and I am proud that we as Rabobank have been able and allowed to finance them. This is in line with Rabobank's ambition to be a banker of the energy transition."
The BOM and Equans show that a sustainable power plant works and that gives confidence for new projects.
Johan van de Louw, director cooperative Rabobank