SARA is a robot

A cheerful machine rolls into a room of a care home. Mrs Willemsen is a bit absent-minded, but this little robot recognises her and helps her with 'smart modules' to train her memory. This rascal, called SARA, knows exactly which music will make Ms Willemsen move happily and which fairy tale will calm down restless clients. SARA was developed with a broad group of care professionals from long-term care. Together with experts working in, for example, PG departments or care for the disabled, modules have been developed to suit specific care situations. Because SARA's functionalities are suitable for people with long-term care needs (e.g. people with dementia), SARA is also purposefully used and included in residents' care plans. An awful lot is being invented in our region. These innovations are helping people in many ways and making the world a little bit better all the time. One of the specialisations we have here is 'Artificial Intellegence' also known as AI or Artificial Intelligence. This is applied in SARA Robotics' robots, among other things. By using AI, a robot can recognise Ms Willemsen and figure out what is applicable to her in order to help her as best as possible. So AI is not future music, but something that can already be found all around us, such as in healthcare.
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