Brainport Networking Financials (BNF)
How can I participate in Brainport's financial network as a financier?

Brainport Networking Financials (BNF) is the financial network of the financial representatives from the Brainport region.

Brainport Development uses the Brainport Networking Financials (BNF) program to coordinate and organize periodical meetings for the members since 2012. The BNF members consist of representatives of inter alia (inter)national investors, banks, financial service providers, financial platforms, knowledge institutions and (local) government.

The members regularly meet each other during events to share knowledge and current affairs, make connections and, where possible, work together to create co-financing or follow-up financing. This creates an active financial ecosystem in the Brainport region where initiatives are supported jointly and the entrepreneurial climate is stimulated and enhanced.

During the meetings, current financial topics or instruments are discussed, new initiatives are made known and 1 or 2 pitches take place from innovative regional companies with a financing challenge or financing experience.